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Posted by on in Culture Blogs
Cultivating Gratitude with Tarot
6 of Coins Cropped 400
6 Material Card (6 of Coins) from the Snowland Deck

I had thought about writing a post using specific Tarot cards as gratitude talismans.

That is, using certain Tarot cards--especially ones that some would associate with gratitude or abundance--for the conscious cultivation of thankfulness.

The more I thought of it, the more I realized that every single one of the 78 cards of Tarot can be used to inspire gratitude, draw out thankfulness or cultivate mindful appreciation.

Numerous studies have demonstrated the physical, mental and emotional benefits of gratitude. If you don't use a gratitude journal, try writing in one using Tarot cards as prompts. You don't have to have a fancy or expensive journal; a dollar store notebook is fine!

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Witch's Willpower Brew: Invoking the Energy of Success

On a Monday, or any day when you need to ready yourself for important events, meetings, or other high-pressure circumstances, set aside a half-hour of quiet time and brew up some willpower to help you in any creative endeavors. Light a white candle anointed with peppermint oil, and then light spicy incense such as cinnamon.

Take a sprig of mint, some warm milk, and a few cinnamon sticks and stir these together clockwise in a white mug. Say aloud:

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Posted by on in SageWoman Blogs
Sometimes we need to step away,
to soften inward,
to pull back,
to become still and quiet,
closed in and listening.
We need to draw close
to the beating heart
of our own knowing,
the pulse of longing that chimes,
the whisper of desire that tugs,
the silent truths that surface only
when given safe and sacred
space to speak.
we need to reach out,
to lay aside our work,
set down our lists and connect,
extending our hands
to those we love,
faces tipped back
beneath singing stars
and a curving slice
of new orange moon.
The antidote to depletion
is restoration
and this can come through
shared stories and night walks,
through stuffed owls
stitched together
as darkness falls,
amid laughter and conversation.
We discover that when we take time,
make time,
to either step away
or to step in,
we reconnect with what
replenishes our souls,
rebuilds connections,
and restores peace.
The idea of restoration as the antidote to depletion comes from David Lapin. I have a past article exploring the subject here: Restoration.
I will be taking a break from posts here until January as I take some time for restoration.


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Under the Waxing Moon: A Spell to Banish Bad Luck

Your altar is the heart center of your home, holding the energy of your sanctuary. Yet the world is constantly coming in and bringing harmful energy over your threshold—problems at the workplace, financial woes, or bad news about new virus mutations or the climate crisis. All this negativity wants to get in the way and stay. While you can’t do anything about stock market crashes, the rate of inflation, or a coworker’s divorce, do not allow this bad energy to cling to you. Instead, you can do something about it with a home-keeping spell. The best time to release any and all bad luck is on a Friday the 13th or during any waxing moon. As you know, Friday the 13th is considered a lucky day on the witch’s calendar.

Get a big black candle and a black crystal, a piece of white paper, a black pen with black ink, and a cancellation stamp, readily available at any stationery store. Go into your backyard or a nearby park or woodland and find a flat rock that has a slightly concave surface.

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Posted by on in Culture Blogs
Simply Magnetic: Attraction Spell

This is the perfect spell of enchantment to use when you have met a special someone and you wish to enhance your personal charm and allure. With this invocation, you are sure to attract your heart’s desire!

You will need the following supplies:

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Posted by on in Paths Blogs
Blessing at Pagan Pride Day 2023

At Pagan Pride Day 2023, I gave a speech about Asatru, signed my book Asatru: A Beginner's Guide to the Heathen Path, and conducted a Rainbow Season offering to Heimdall and a Blessing of the Veterans. It was a wonderful day, and I'm happy to relive it by sharing this report with you.

After 4 years, Las Vegas Pagan Pride Day returned! Just like last time in 2019, it was held on Veterans' Day in Paradise Park, and included a Veterans' Blessing. Last time the Rev. Selena Fox did the blessing. This time it was me. I am deeply honored to have been asked to do this. It was very fulfilling, and I had a great time at the ritual.

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Posted by on in Culture Blogs
Fire-of-Love Letters

Love letters are an ancient art that always deepens intimacy. This spell combines candle magic with letter writing to hone the desire between you and your partner.

You will need:

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