49 Degrees: Canadian Pagan Perspectives

Canadian Paganism has a style all its own. Have a look at events, issues, celebrations, people, trends and events north of the border from the eyes of a Canadian Wiccan and Witch.

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Imbolc in the Okanagan

Here in the Okanagan Valley, the signs of spring are everywhere.

The Land Breathes

No, really, I mean it!  Look closer: the land is breathing.  This annual mist is the land breathing.

The Land Breathes

See?  The Lord is waking from His sleep of death; He draws breath, shakes off the snow, and He exhales.

Broadleaf Sage

The mule deer poke holes in the snow.  And the snow melts around it.  Now Jack-in-the-Green can seize His chance!

Mule Deer

The Lord raises His green head.  Or in other words, the broadleaf sage sends out shoots and begins to rise as the land releases its water vapour while the snow melts.  The pockets of trapped heat from the catalyst of new growth break open, the resurrected sage oozes heat into the snow, and the land breathes.

Broadleaf Sage 2

Again with the Okanagan bunchgrass.

Okanagan Bunchgrass

Arise, Jack in the Green!

Jack in the Green

The Lady of the Lake, who has been holding Her breath, awaiting Her lover's return; She, too, exhales in relief; once again Her love returns from the Underworld!  The breathing lake warms the air.  It calls back the waterfowl.  The ducks and the geese are moving back through, and some will soon settle.


There are buds on the fruit and chestnut trees.

Buds on the Trees

The air fills with birds; the cedar waxwings have returned!  They fill every tree.

Cedar Waxwings

Every tree.

Cedar Waxwings 3

Every tree.

Cedar Waxwings 2

Brigid weeps for joy!  Her rowans fill with the birds.

Waxwings in the Rowans

She weeps Her bloody tears into the snow.

 Rowean Berries in the Snow

She offers up Her bright berries, carried through the winter to feed the returning birds while the Lord of the Greenwood awakens.

 Rowans After the Feast

Today it's snowing; but winter is already on the retreat, and you can see the Imbolc signs if you only know where to look!

Starling on the Moon

Featuring the beautiful nature photography of Harold Rhenisch, who maintains a fantastic blog about the ecosystem of my native Okanagan Valley called Okanagan Okanogan, after the two variant spellings of this fantastic valley that crosses over the 49th Parallel.  Copyright (c) 2015.  Used by permission.

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Sable Aradia (Diane Morrison) has been a traditional witch most of her life, and she is a licensed Wiccan minister and a Third Degree initiate in the Star Sapphire and Pagans for Peace traditions. Author of "The Witch's Eight Paths of Power" (Red Wheel/Weiser 2014) and contributor to "Pagan Consent Culture" and "The Pagan Leadership Anthology," she also writes "Between the Shadows" at Patheos' Pagan channel and contributes to Gods & Radicals. Sable is just breaking out as a speculative fiction writer under her legal name, and a new serial, the Wyrd West Chronicles, will be released on the Spring Equinox this year. Like most writers, she does a lot of other things to help pay the bills, including music, Etsy crafts, and working part time at a bookstore. She lives in Vernon, BC, Canada with her two life partners and her furbabies in a cabin on the edge of the woods.


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