Crystal People: Making the Connection
Enter into an in-depth discussion about the world of the Crystal People. In this blog spot we will explore the truth that crystals are sentient beings and learn how to connect with them. We’ll cover all areas of quartz crystal such as how they form, methods of cleansing, clearing and programming, how and why to make crystal grids and other tools, how and where to dig your own crystals and much more.
CRYSTAL CLUSTER - Raise the vibration & assist with group dynamics
This week we’ll discuss the metaphysical properties of quartz crystal Clusters; what they are, how to determine if you have one, and how to work with their unique energy.
Quartz crystal grows on a matrix. To picture this, imagine a hand; the palm would be similar to the matrix with the fingers resembling the crystal points. Smoosh a whole BUNCH of hands together palm to palm and you would have a cluster.
The points of a cluster aren't all going to grow out of the matrix straight up like fingers on a hand. In playing “this is the church and this is the steeple” with your hands (join hands and interlace your fingers), you will see that this is a more accurate picture of a cluster made of palms and fingers. Some will lay sideways and others upright; some are larger and some smaller.
The cluster has been forming for millennia, so as the earth moves, the direction of the original matrix may shift and points may fill in the gaps; it really is a veritable hodgepodge of crystal growing excitement!
Clusters are points growing together on a matrix. Some Clusters grow on a sandstone matrix. Here is a picture of a cluster growing on a sandstone matrix. I have outlined the matrix in blue. The white areas are veins of quartz.
Here is another cluster with sandstone matrix:
Often they "trim" clusters to prepare them for sale so there is less matrix and also so they will sit nicely.
Other clusters' matrix is all quartz, like the one below:
Still others may grow from a “seed” of crystal (such as a mass of double terminated points).
Sometimes the Cluster will have a matrix that you can't see (in the same way that you can't see a porcupine's body when he is all curled into a ball, and yet you know he has one). I have drawn in blue where the matrix (porcupine body) is within the cluster. The points outlined in blue are coming out of the matrix from the center.
As earth movement occurs, points will break off the matrix. With a few exceptions, (Double Terminated and Lemurian Seed Crystals being two examples), all crystal points originated on a matrix. So the single points we are so familiar with are parts of clusters. Here are a couple of clusters which I have drawn lines where a cluster might break, creating the familiar crystal point:
Sometimes this happens with earth movement, and the points seal over the ends, becoming Self Healed, or sometimes it occurs during the mining process, in those cases, the ends of the points are sharp like broken glass. Here's another hypothetical broken cluster. See how the points on the top are grown together? They could break off the cluster but would remain growth together. Clusters might also break apart and grow new clusters before they are brought out of the earth (that would be the porcupine example).
When would a person choose to work with a crystal cluster?
Clusters are good for helping with group dynamics. Imagine all the points in the cluster as separate people. They have to get along to live so closely, sometimes overlapping, running through, squishing out... yet the clusters remain happy and cohesive. The energy of clusters is just that. Cohesive, happy, uplifting.
Families, co-workers, anywhere a group of people might need help in getting along is a great place to have a cluster. You could place one in an office on your desk, in your living room or family room.
Because there are so many crystals all adding to the already high vibration, clusters vibrate with high energy and light vibrations. So, clusters are good for raising the vibrations in an environment and bringing light and energy into that space.
Because they are working so hard to keep the vibrations up in an environment, you need to remember to cleanse and charge your clusters frequently, especially if there has been a lot of negative energy in the space (a fight or bickering between family members or tensions in an office between coworkers, for example). Because they are so beautiful it is easy to forget they are working to uplift, energize and harmonize our environment. This is another reason we need to be mindful and cleanse and charge our cluster friends regularly. Here is a link to cleansing and charging in case you missed that post or need a refresher.
Today we've learned that:
- Clusters consist of crystal points growing together on a matrix.
- They come in a variety of types, sizes and configurations.
- Clusters may break from the matrix during their life-cycle and reform, growing new clusters, with or without matrix.
- With a few exceptions, the points (crystals which aren't part of a cluster) with which we are familiar, originated as a part of a cluster.
- Clusters are good for raising the vibrations in an environment and bringing light and energy into that space, and
- They are good for helping with group dynamics.
I hope you have enjoyed this discussion about quartz crystal Clusters; what they are, how to determine if you have one, and how to work with them. Next time we’ll discuss Curved quartz crystals.
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