Crystal People: Making the Connection
Enter into an in-depth discussion about the world of the Crystal People. In this blog spot we will explore the truth that crystals are sentient beings and learn how to connect with them. We’ll cover all areas of quartz crystal such as how they form, methods of cleansing, clearing and programming, how and why to make crystal grids and other tools, how and where to dig your own crystals and much more.
QUARTZ CRYSTAL WORKSHOP April 13-16, 2018 Fayetteville, AR
Here's a two month heads-up so you can start planning your trip to Arkansas!
Join me in Fayetteville, Arkansas at the Ozark Research Institute's Dowsing & Alternative Healing Convention this April. There will be speakers all weekend and a vendor's area with all sorts of awesome offerings. I'll be doing crystal readings and will have crystals and books available. What am I covering in my workshop?
"Metaphysical Properties of Quartz Crystal, Simplified!"
Have you ever wondered about the many different types of quartz crystal configurations and found yourself at a loss on how to know where to start? There seems to be so much information to figure out and to remember, it can be overwhelming.
The metaphysical configurations to which I am referring are names such as Record Keepers, Barnacles, Inner Child, Fairy Frost, Key, Growth Interference, Grounding, Isis Face, etc.
There are over forty different commonly found configurations of clear quartz crystal. There are even more if you add in the less-commonly found. Most books or websites list ten or more characteristics for each configuration. And to add to the confusion, nearly all crystals will have several of these different configurations in a single point.
For example, I have a (simple and not unusual) crystal here by my computer that is a Double Terminated, Tabular crystal with Record Keepers, Imprints, Barnacles, Self Healing and Lineation. This is a fairly straightforward crystal and it has seven configurations! Complex crystals would exhibit many more than seven.
If you looked each configuration up in a typical crystal book (or online), you would likely find up to ten different qualities for each of those configurations. Simple math reveals that is up to seventy different possibilities for this fairly simple crystal. What!?
If you are confused (or overwhelmed) when you are presented with this information, you're not alone. Believe me, I was confused in the beginning, too. I wondered if I would ever get it!
RAINBOW Crystal Mandalas: Anatomy and Physiology of Quartz Crystals by Genn John
The good news is that there is an easy way to figure out and remember which crystal configuration helps with what. Lucky for you, I have spent the last 20-plus years condensing this mass of information down into easily assimilated, bite-sized pieces!
Join me in a workshop I will be presenting this April (13-16, 2018) at the Ozark Research Institute's Dowsing & Alternative Healing Convention in Fayetteville, Arkansas.
In this hour and a half talk I will present the most popular configurations of clear quartz crystal (we will discuss over forty configurations, as time allows) and I will demonstrate easy ways to remember their unique properties. Working with crystal shouldn't be confusing, overwhelming or complicated.
Here's a link to sign up and read about the other presenters and to register for the weekend:
Register before February 28th for Early Bird Discounts. I hope to see you in April!
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