Culture Blogs
My wife and I have made profound changes in our lives through green Paganism and simple, ecological living, which have resulted in unforeseen, yet very positive opportunities for peace, joy, laughter, and success. In fact, these opportunities have been so powerful, that I was stirred to share them with others, and not keep all these amazing discoveries to ourselves. We 'unplugged from the matrix' that is the cause of so much distraction and busyness in our lives and created a magickal Pagan homestead. I will share some of these discoveries of how, as a Pagan, you can simplify your life, while living more in sync with your purpose, nature and open up an incredible world of opportunity and possibility.
Intention for Breakfast
Have you ever felt like you're missing out on most of the magick? As if everyone else seems to have magick in their lives all the time and seems so happy about, but you aren't sure how you achieve that while remaining true to your authentic self? I've been there! I know what you mean, although I believe that what you're specifically looking for is unique to each person, I can say with certainty that there is at least a basic formula to get on the right path.
The first step is to start your day by accepting the possibility that something magickal will happen at almost every turn. For many people, myself included, this means redefining or rediscovering what is magickal in your everyday world. One of the ways I've done this, which has personally made the most impact is altering my morning routine to include time for appreciation, gratitude, and a little one-on-one time with my patron deity. If you're not comfortable with viewing the gods as ones with which you can get informal, you may want to start a morning ceremony or ritual, but for me, it's almost a coffee table-based chat.
This isn't an occasion for getting needy and asking for 'things' or 'stuff', remember you're doing this to gain a stronger daily connection with what makes being a Pagan great for you. I was surprised at the results of doing this. When i first started, I thought I knew my patron pretty well, I chose them as my patron after all, but you'd be surprised what you can learn when you're a little less formal, and a little less guarded.
As part of this informal 'chat' I still highly recommend some form of grounding afterwards, and I almost always feel thirsty, but that could just be a personal experience. Even so, I always bring two cups of whatever I'm going to drink. I offer the libation at the end, and when I feel the time is right, I take in my own drink. I personally don't include anything to eat for this morning ritual simply because I eat my breakfast first thing, and then get all the outside morning chores done. Then I bathe and once clean, which is also a calming thing for me, I'll have this ritual time with my patron.
Do you have any daily morning ritual interaction to help bring "being Pagan" more into your daily life? Care to share to help others who are seeking to do so? Tell me in the comments!
Thursday, 13 September 2012
Good morning, Peter! I agree, the cozy 'lets sit and share' in the morning with your deity/spirits is a perfect way to set the tone of the day. I like to stretch out a bit, then sit down in a meditative fashion and cross the bridge into my familiar parallel place and reach out to my spirit family, who I love very much. I feel calm and grounded throughout the day, and I feel their presence and company very closely. When I do have something specific to work with and I'll be reaching out to my spirit friends, I usually do that in the evening. Have a great day, Peter and all.
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Good morning, Peter! I agree, the cozy 'lets sit and share' in the morning with your deity/spirits is a perfect way to set the tone of the day. I like to stretch out a bit, then sit down in a meditative fashion and cross the bridge into my familiar parallel place and reach out to my spirit family, who I love very much. I feel calm and grounded throughout the day, and I feel their presence and company very closely. When I do have something specific to work with and I'll be reaching out to my spirit friends, I usually do that in the evening. Have a great day, Peter and all.