Middle Earth Magic: Inspired Ideas and Seasonal Spells for Your Enchanted Life

I grew up on a farm in West Virginia and learned much about herbs, trees, animals, gardening, foraging  and so much about nature. I incorporate this wisdom I learned from elders in my family into my spellwork. When I finally left the farm, I majored in Medieval Studies, my attempt to emulate my idol, J.R.R. Tolkien. All these influences led me to my own blended brew which I call "middle earth magic," containing a mix of the modern and the time-tested "old ways." 

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Enchanted Grove: Magical Property of Fruit Trees

While we often think of herbs and flowers as having special properties, it is much less commonly known that fruits also contain much magic you must try for yourself:


 This “one a day” beloved fruit is associated with the goddess Pomona and contained the powers of  healing, love  and abundance, Samhain, the high holiday of the Wheel of the Year, is also called the "Feast of Apples" and is used on the  Halloween altar during this festival.  Cutting an apple in half and sharing the other with your beloved that the two of you will stay happy

This juicy treasure is associated with Venus, and the power of Love and it is believed that drinking the nectar will make your more appealing romantically. The juice of the apricot is used in rituals and love potions. Truly a food of the goddess!

The lusciousness of the avocado is not just delicious, it also brings forth beauty and lustfulness. 

A bunch of bananas packs a magical punch with powers of abundance, fertility for both men and women. Anyone who gets married beneath a banana tree bower will have a lucky marriage. One caveat never cut a banana only break apart. Otherwise, you’ll bring back luck to your household.


Blackberries are the medicine that pops up anywhere, offering a delightful snack and serious healing, love and abundance. Both the vine and the berries can be used for money-bringing spells.  Thorny blackberry vines are wonderful as protective wreaths for your home, and the plant vine and berry can be used for prosperity and money spells.


These berries are almost like an evil eye made of fruit as they offer great protection.
 You can tuck them under the mat at the threshold of your front to ward off bad energy and evil. If you feel someone is attempting to do you harm with hexes or sending bad energy your way,


 Beloved for their bright red color and taste, cherries are associated with romance as well as powers of divination. Useful in love spells, the Japanese believe tying a strand of hair from your head onto the blossom of a cherry tree will bring a lover to you.


Figs hold a place in our culture from the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Unsurprisingly, they are associated with sexuality and fecundity.  If eaten ripe off the tree, this fruit will aid in conception and help men with issues of impotence. A fig tree is grown outside the bedroom will bring deeply restful sleep and prophetic dreams. Outside your kitchen, a fig tree will ensure there will always be plenty of food for your family. Anywhere a fig tree grows it will bring luck and safety. A folk charm claims that gifting someone a fig grown by your own hand binds them to you. Wield you figs wisely.


Planting grapevines grants you abilities for money magic as well as gardening and farming: The ancient Romans painted pictures of grapes on the garden walls to ensure good harvest and fertility for women. For mental focus, eat some grapes and magical spell workings for money are abetted greatly by placing a bowl of grapes on the altar.


This beloved member of the citrus family commutes the rare power of longevity as well as that of faithful friendship, purification, love and luck. The juice from lemon mixed with water can be used to consecrate magical tools and items during the full Moon. Dried lemon flowers and peel can also be used in love potions and sachets. Bake a lemon pie for the object of your desire and he or she will remain faithful to you for all time. Imbibing lemon leaf tea stirs lust.

Like the joyful color of this fruit, oranges are a fruit of happiness in love and marriage. Dried blossoms added to a hot bath make you more beautiful. A spritz of orange juice will add to the potency of any love potion. Orange sachets and other gifts with this fruit offer the recipient utter felicity thus it is an ideal gift for newlyweds.

 It might seem obvious, but eating peaches encourages love. They also enhance wisdom. An amulet made with the pit can ward off evil. A fallen branch from a peach tree can make for an excellent magic wand while a piece of wood carried in your pocket is an excellent talisman for a long life.


It is believed this uniquely shaped fruit brings prosperity and a long life. Somewhat similarly to peaches, the pear creates powers of lust and love. Sharing with a partner, pears can be used to induce sexual arousal.  Pear wood is also very good for magical wands.


While renowned as the symbol of hospitality, pineapple represents neighborliness, abundance and chastity. Dried pineapple in a sachet added to bath water will bring great luck. The juice hinders lust when drunken, dried peel is great in money spells and mixtures.

Plums are for protection and add sweetness to romantic love.  A fallen branch from a plum tree over the door keeps out negative energy and wards off evil.

Here we have powers of divination, making wishes come true and engendering wealth.  
Eating the seeds can increase fruitfulness in childbearing; you can also carry the rind in a pocket sachet.  Always make a wish before eating the fruit, for your wish will come true.

This sweet berry has tremendous powers for true love and home safety.
 Hang the vines at doors when a person in the house has died so that the spirit won’t enter the home again. The leaves are carried by pregnant woman to help with the pains of childbirth and pregnancy itself. Raspberries often served to induce love. Strawberry leaves also help with childbirth and the leaves are also carried for luck.

Reminder that the tomato is a fruit! An easy money spell is to place a fresh-off-the-vine tomato on the mantle every few days to bring prosperity. Eating tomatoes inspires love.  They you’re your garden as an aid to ward off pests of all kinds!


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    Cerridwen Greenleaf has worked with many of the leading lights of the spirituality world including Starhawk, Z Budapest, John Michael Greer, Christopher Penczak, Raymond Buckland, Luisah Teish, and many more. She gives herbal, crystal and candle magic workshops throughout North America. Greenleaf's graduate work in medieval studies has given her deep knowledge she utilizes in her work, making her work unique in the field. A bestselling author, her books include Moon Spell Magic, The Book of Kitchen Witchery, The Magic of Gems and Crystals and the Witch’s Spell Book series.  She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.  


  • Anthony Gresham
    Anthony Gresham Thursday, 30 April 2020

    I planted three fruit trees last year. The Pawpaw and the Persimmon are both leafing out nicely. I think the Pomegranate is still alive but it's hard for me to tell.

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