I have it from a friend who grew up Pentecostal that if ever (who knows?) you should have to pass yourself off as a “Tongues”-spouting Bible-banger, here's what you need to do.

Look like you're in trance. (You're pagan, no problem.)

Repeat again and again, faster and faster, as if you can't help yourself:

Tie my bow tie. Untie my bow tie. Retie my bow tie.


 The ancient Romans regarded the Germanic tribes as paragons of perfidy. Again and again they would conclude treaties, only to break said treaties as soon as it was advantageous to do so.

What the Romans never understood was that in Germanic culture, A binding agreement can only be validly concluded between equals.

With some effete, boy-boffing southron shaveling, no agreement could ever possibly be considered binding.


If ever (Lady forfend) the Bad Old Times should come again, never hesitate to do whatever survival requires.

Oppressors don't deserve to know the truth.