150,000 years of pagan history, and it took the so-called 20th century to reduce the gods to the level of co-workers.

“I work with [Name of Deity].”

How many times have you heard this expression?

Note who's the active agent. Note the nature of the partnership. Note the implied equivalence.

The ancestors would never have used the phrase “work with” to describe their relationship with their gods. They might have worshiped a particular god. They might have offered to a certain goddess. They might have made their prayers to said gods.

But—for the most part—modern pagans are afraid of worship. (Why? Another day, another post.) Mostly we don't offer to our gods. We're not particularly strong on prayer, either. I.e. we have rejected the spiritual technology of the ancestors.

So much the worse for us.

The notion of “working with” a god is yet another unfortunate inheritance from Ceremonial Magic which ought to be consigned to the compost heap of history. It simply isn't a good fit for who we were, who we are, or who, as pagans, we need to become.

“Work with” Deity X?

It isn't even a good metaphor. You're comparing your religious life to the office? Your gods to your co-workers, rather than to friends or family?

“Working with” gods?

Begone foul phrase: you have no business here.

I banish you.

I banish you.

I banish you.