An Atheopagan Path: Journeys in the Sacred World
Musings, values and practices in non-theistic Paganism
Presenting The Atheopagan Society
We are pleased to announce the formation of a tax-exempt nonprofit religious organization, The Atheopagan Society, the mission of which is to foster and inform the growth and practice of Atheopaganism throughout the world. The Society conducts educational programs, publishes training materials, ordains clerics, and engages in other activities to support Atheopagans in their religious paths.
Since being conceptualized originally as just Some Dude's individual path, Atheopaganism has enjoyed a remarkable flowering as a path embraced by thousands of people all over the world. With its science-based cosmology, progressive values and meaningful rituals and observances, Atheopaganism provides a deep, rich spirituality while remaining cognizant of the difference between objective fact and metaphorical meaning.
For more information about The Atheopagan Society and its current programs (you can get legally ordained online!), visit the Society website here. For thought, resources and theology relating to Atheopaganism, visit the blog here.
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