Eclectic Elementals: The Magic & Spirituality of the Elements
This is not a specifically named, established path like Asatru, Kabbalah, Hermeticism, Kemeticism, Wicca or Santeria. Yet the Elemental Path can be adapted to any practice, traditional or modern, and the Elements are indeed present and utilized in all practices and systems. It can also be, as it is for me, its own completely original, self-contained and self-defined path. It is the path of peeking behind all the named and well-presented curtains; of getting to the heart of All and of connecting to and honoring the mystical, essential building blocks of everything in existence, from the planet to our souls.
The Oracle of Water: The Swamp
The Oracle of the Swamp brings messages of awareness, warning, transformation and hidden beauty but also hidden danger. It is intricate interconnection and a delicate balance of so many forms of life. The Swamp invites you to confront obstacles and to examine and hold space in the darker realms of your existence.
This may be a time for shadow work. Like the tangled, interwoven roots beneath the surface, we are often in turmoil that is hidden beneath our own surfaces and conscious minds. It can be unpleasant, but it might be time to submerge like a stealthy crocodile and confront and untangle the messes within.
Swamps are also places of unexpected and subtle beauty that may not be obvious at first. They are as crucial to the environment as our shadow sides are to our existence. They are part of us and cannot be ignored or toxic stagnation may ensue.
Physically, the Swamp represents awareness and adaptability. Its appearance may suggest that very real, day-to-day physical challenges are present or approaching, for instance health or money matters. Something unseen may be having a profound impact and must be addressed. If it’s been a while since a check-up or other health maintenance, a visit to the doctor may be in order.
The Swamp also encourages extra caution in movements and activities. You may be in a situation or period in your life where danger is lurking and a misstep could land you in an uncomfortable or risky position. Or, simply more awareness or common sense may be needed.
The Swamp represents navigation through a complex emotional landscape, potentially depression and other heavy feelings in particular. Just as swamps are teeming with a variety of lifeforms, you may be overwhelmed by a swirling, murky mass of mixed emotions. In her song “Daydreamer”, Aurora poignantly sings “When feelings are heavy they become all we are“.The Swamp represents these lyrics perfectly. It is so easy to feel like we are nothing but our heaviest and most painful feelings, but we are not; we are so much more.
Imagine also that heart-wrenching scene from “The Neverending Story”, where Atreyu’s faithful horse Artax lets the swamp of sadness take him over. All Atreyu’s pleading could not get the horse to pull itself out of the sad muck. Have you fallen into the same trap as poor Artax?
The Swamp may signify a time of profound transformation, but not without that all-important shadow work. It may be beneficial to seek counseling to help you sort out your feelings, pains and challenges. By oneself, it is very easy to get mired and lost in the dark marshes.
Mentally, the Swamp signifies cognitive complexity and problem-solving. Keen awareness and a strategic mindset are needed. It could be that the solution to a problem is well hidden.
Similar to the Swamp state of emotions, in the context of the mind, a jumbled mass of too many thoughts may be bogging you down. Meditation, journeying or simple activities like coloring may help calm your mind and sort out your thoughts.
Swamp can also represent toxic thoughts. You may be trapped in a negative thought pattern that needs to adjust and evolve. Again, counseling or therapy may be helpful now.
The Swamp presents a need for shadow work, a time of spiritual exploration and evolution, or it may warn of spiritual challenges or obstacles. These obstacles can take the form of disbelief, spiritual doubt or confusion, toxic posers or spiritual groups, or places or activities that may not be what they seem. Be aware of spiritual bypassing in yourself and others.
A swamp holds both light and shadow, as do we, and it is important to balance the two. The Swamp also warns of toxic positivity, a modern phenomenon that condemns and demonizes any negative thoughts, feelings or conditions; the “Good Vibes Only” school. Anything that may be called “negative” is not automatically “bad”.
Like light and dark, negativity and positivity are part of natural life and part of ourselves. We only fool and poison ourselves if we do not acknowledge when we are not OK, or when a situation or another person is objectively wrong or harmful.
The spirit of the swamp, the marsh
the waterways subtle and harsh
She steps with ease and grace
Through a dark and strange place
Original art and text copyright © Meredith Everwhite 2024
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