Gnosis Diary: Life as a Heathen
My personal experiences, including religious and spiritual experiences, community interaction, general heathenry, and modern life on my heathen path, which is Asatru.
Novel Gnosis part 24: Narvi
The children of Loki and Sigyn are Narvi, also called Nari or Narfi, and Vali, who shares a name with a son of Odin. Vali Lokisson and Vali Odinsson will have a shared entry in the Novel Gnosis series later. The Nar- root word means corpse.
The sweet children of Loki and Sigyn were caught in the web of fate. The gods exist outside of linear time, so they knew what was coming from the beginning. They chose to give life and to love and be happy for the time they had, even though they knew it would not last forever.
Loki once explained time to the human character P as being like a room. The gods can go in and out of a moment in time just like we humans can go in and out of a room. Even though these children only live in one room, it’s still a good room with good times in it. The doom doesn’t spoil the room. For the gods, the end of a life doesn’t ruin what’s good about that life.
Image: Corpse Twins by KylaBorg, creative commons via
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