Journeys: Thoughts from a Druid Path
Journeys through the world around us, from a Druidic perspective.
Imbolc and Lughnasadh Devotionals
Imbolc Devotional to the Rising Sun and the Earth Mother
Offering: A cup of warm tea
<Stand before the rising or newly risen Sun>
I call to you on this Imbolc Morning and great you,
Ever-Brightening Sun,
I see you earlier and earlier each day
From a time of deep darkness to a new day of hope
I honour you
<Pour half a cup of tea onto the ground, held at eye level>
Hail to you,
Earth Mother,
Gently awakening to this Season,
To this Day,
To this Moment.
Here is a warm cup of tea to greet your day.
I honour and I thank you Earth Mother
<Pour the remainder of the tea on the ground>
Lughnasadh Devotional to the Mid-Day Sun and to Lugh
Offering: A glass of unsweetened iced tea
<Stand under the overhead Sun, preferably at Mid-Day>
I call to you on this brilliant day,
The shadows flee from your powerful rays, Mid-Day Sun,
The Sun shines bright and hot
But arises later each day
May the summer last forever!
I honour you
<Pour half a glass of iced tea onto the ground, held at eye level>
Hail to you,
Earth Mother,
Your bounty knows no bounds,
Your fields overflow with offerings
And now we give to you.
Here is a cool drink given in return.
I honour and I thank you Earth Mother.
<Pour the remainder of the iced tea on the ground>
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