Art, Spirit, and Wonder: Finding the Sacred Through Art
Art History tells the story of humanity. Here we'll look at how Paganism has been viewed in art through the ages; into the ancient past, the Renaissance and other eras, and how artists are exploring Paganism today.
Saying Goodbye in the Spring
I have been meaning to write a blog post on Goddesses.... lots of blog posts on lots of Goddesses, but that annoying nuisance known as real life has interrupted me numerous times. Today I slowed down. I slowed down a lot, and in so doing, I thought I was going to finish a much delayed post about the Norse Asynjur, but my heart is not in it today. I need to write about loss instead.
My beautiful 17 year old cat Bella is leaving us. Bella does indeed live up to her name as the many photos my husband and I have taken of her over the years will show anyone.
Lately, Bella has not been grooming herself, has been having numerous seizures, and is eating much less. In the past, when my coven was visiting, she would plop herself in the middle of my living room and display her beauty to all in order to be admired and worshipped.... regardless of whatever Pagan holiday plans we'd originally had for the day. Today, she has spent the entire day camped out in our bathtub, for reasons we can't figure out, but her mile long stare tells me part of her has checked out already.
I read somewhere - probably on Facebook - that the hardest part of having a cat in your life is saying goodbye, and indeed that is true. We all know that day is coming, but it is not one we welcome. I visited my most excellent veterinarian, Shannon Stanek, at the Exton Vet Clinic and she agreed it looked as though we had come to that time. Shannon is awesome and will be kind enough to visit our home so that we can say farewell there, and not subject Bella to the pet crate and a car ride.
I've spent most of today hiding in my house and feeling sad for our loss. I share this with all of you because I know how many of us love our animal friends, familiars, four legged, fur kids, however you wish to refer to your beloved animals. It seems strangely fitting that somehow we are saying farewell in the Spring. Bella will cross that particular rainbow bridge and enter the summer lands. She will be dearly missed.
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Oh, we know what it is to loose a cat! We have lost two in the last two years. I miss them so much. My partner and I were unfairly evicted from our old home. One of the hardest things for her was knowing she was leaving behind the graves of over 10 kitties that she shared this life with over the last 40 years.
blessed be, and much love, Jamie