
Recorded meditation available at: 


Saturnine correspondences are associated with the Horned Father, though more earthy, such as the scent of Patchouli. Dark stones such as Onyx and Garnet align us with these powers. The Devil card of the Tarot can give us a familiar image to work with, as will any art of Pan, Cernunnos, Herne or other male horned gods, though technically with the Capricorn association, they should be goat horns.

Since this working will be a microcosm of the forces for the month when the Sun is in Capricorn, you might want to pull a Tarot Card, Rune, Ogham or any other divination omen before, or after the workings, to give yourself further insight.

Entering into a meditative state. Prepare yourself and your space.

On Day Two of the Working, we call upon the Father God, the Horned God of the Old Year. He is the guiding and guarding force of the Wild Hunt, ruling over the waning half of the year. He is the dark shadow that gives way to the new Lord of Light

We call upon the God, the Lord of the Hunt and the Hunted,

He who is the Father of the Darkness always welcoming the Light, the Holly King,

to be here with us now. Hail and Welcome.

Envision in the darkness the Horned God taking form. He is the God of Cosmic Blackness, only taking the form of the sacred horned one here upon the Earth. He is found in the spaces between, the spaces that are not spaces, the times that are not times. Feel the power of the Dark Lord coalesce, for he is the pattern of the universe.


Within your heart, you bring the seed of light, the ever hopeful potential of the Sun Child. Witnessing the form of the Horne Lord, you bring the Sun Child before him.

Feel their energies mix and mingle, as the darkness and the light of the Lord intermingle.

The Horned Father teaches us to know and find hidden treasures and truths.

He teaches us responsibility, to keep our words in good order.



This Lord bestows sovereignty for the next half of the year, but also the personal sovereignty found within the Laws of the Earth, the Laws of Nature. The Horned God holds the Star Stone, the Thunderous Stone from the Vault of Heaven that recognizes sovereignty. The stone that opens the sacred eye to see truly in all worlds.

As the God commune with the Child within, you become the vessel for this communion. You become the crucible of blessing. You embody the Wisdom of the Father.


We thank the Horned Father God. Blessed be.




What happens in this vision will help you unfold your experiences for the Month when the Sun occupies the sign of Capricorn.