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PaganNewsBeagle: Earthy Thursday July 23
It's Earthy Thursday and today's feed features stories of our beautiful living planet, including amazing trees, free herbal education, an organic skyscraper, and Pagan responses to climate change.
Farming, Art, and the Preservation of Heirloom Fruits are just part of the awesomeness of this Tree of 40 Fruits.
Mountain Rose Herbs announces the latest in free herbalism education events.
The Consciousness of Trees: In this video, Professor Suzanne Simard shows that all trees in a forest ecosystem are interconnected.
This Organic Skyscraper would grow from the recycling from its residents.
Patheos Pagan editor Christine Hoff Kraemer's "Pagan Responses to Climate Change" launched yesterday. Huge number of Pagan thinkers weighing in on this critical issue.
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