SageWoman Blogs

Raven (yes, really), a pagan, homeschooling mother of two -- one teen, one tot -- shares her adventures in parenting from a pagan perspective. Watch her juggle work, education, parenting, cooking, gardening, and . . . how many balls are in the air now? Sometimes they fall, and sometimes she learns from her mistakes. You can, too.

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A Prayer to Tiamat

The last month has presented many changes, both physical and spiritual.  In the past month, I've dealt with some mobility-limiting injuries, preparation for the July birthdays in my household, and the completion of two novels, ready for publication.  During this time, when I allowed myself to be still and quiet my mind, I could hear a call to connect with the gods.  With all of my real-world distractions, I wasn't making time for it.  Then I heard someone else reciting a prayer for logic, calm, and open minds.  It was so beautiful and well sung, the inspiration to write my own prayer to one of the gods with whom I work, led to the following.


A Prayer to Tiamat

Let her waters run cool
Let her waters run bright
Show us our darkness
Show us our light
Teach us of love,
Compassion, and wisdom
Teach us of fury,
Justice, and creative vision
Carry us through storms
Teach us to weather rough seas
Protect us from deceit
Teach us to see both long and deep
We honor the Mother
Of serpents, gods, and water
We honor Tiamat
May she carry us farther


Tiamat, for those who are unfamiliar, is a Mesopotamian progenitor god, a maternal figure whose aspects relate to oceans and salt water, where her consort is sweet water.  Considered the mother of gods and dragons (or serpents), she was both devoted to her family and fierce about those who crossed her.  In Babylonian mythology, she was framed as an enemy for their primary thunder god, Marduk, her grandson. In an attempt by her children to kill her consort, who found their godly children to be too noisy and wished to rid himself of them, the child gods chose to slay him before he could act.  In her rage at the murder of her consort, she called upon the dragons to help her kill those who participated in her consort's death.  Among those gods who survived her fury were Enki (Magic) and his wife, who hid in swamps.  Their son Marduk later rose to power and avenged the deaths of his aunts and uncles, splitting Tiamat into the Tigris and Euphrates.

From an anthropological standpoint, it's possible this Babylonian tale represents the overthrow by Babylon of a culture previously seated in the valley who worshiped a benevolent creator goddess.  A little political spin, and the mother-creator becomes an enemy to be slain by a lightning deity.  This is speculation on my part, based on my limited research and not necessarily supported by data in the archaeological record.  If you have more to share about this goddess, I would love to hear of her; she is closest to my heart.

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Raven lives in a forest with her two homeschooled children, partner, and several demanding cats. She enjoys performing, cooks a mean burger, and is obsessed with farming, but has yet to adopt a goat. Her publications are listed at


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