Crone in Corrogue: Wild Wisdom of the Elder Years

Glorying in the elder years, a time of spirituality, service and some serious sacred activism

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Ride the Wild Eclipse Weather

Posted by on in SageWoman Blogs

Eclipses are said to be a closing of one door and an opening of a window. At this past full moon on 6th September I did some Tarot queries using Joanna Colbert Powell's Gaian Tarot. The results were a bit counter-intuitive. A full moon is a culmination, but all the cards were pointing to beginnings and letting go so the new could happen. So eclipse season ain't over yet. Nope! The weather happening globally is the narrative set by the eclipse.

Fire and water are duking it out all over the USA. Here in Ireland, after a relatively dry (for us) winter, spring and summer, Lunasadh has brought the monsoon season upon us. In our boggy, heavy clay laden west of Ireland the water tends to pool. There is only so much land can hold and then it just lies on top. In winter we have these naturally occurring lakes called turloughs that evaporate in summer. Well, the turloughs are arriving early! And our car engine was killed when some local flooding on our lane turned out to be deeper than estimated.

Have you ever noticed that when you go through life unconsciously that some big drama comes along to clobber you into realisation? This past eclipse feels similar and the full moon is outing unconscious material. The more psychic material is suppressed or repressed, some drama comes along to rub our noses in reality.

Given the slippery nature of truth in the mass media these days, it feels to me that Gaia is trying to get our attention about climate change. You don't want to believe? You say no to the evidence? Okay, let me give you evidence in drought, deluge and scorching fire. All at once, on all fronts.

NOW do we see the truth? Because no level of preparedness can hold back that tide. This is about us not respecting the land and the Goddess is speaking directly to us of consequences. And yes, there are some hard Saturn aspects in the sky map this month to try and teach us a good karmic lesson.

September is a time of the harvest goddess. The sign of Virgo is about vocation and purpose as much as personal health and hygiene. The weather that is manifesting - fire and water - is a metaphoric purification. Gaia is purging. It is as if the earth is, metaphorically speaking, experiencing a bout of bulimia to signal Her distress. This is what we are reaping.  Take note of what was sown.

Hymn to Gaia


What shall we say

to the dying bees?

What shall we say

to the rising seas?


Go tell the bees, Gaia,

name each dying species.

Go tell the trees, Gaia.


What shall we say

to the mouths we feed?

What shall we say

as great Gaia bleeds?


Go tell the bees, Gaia,

to not breathe the air.

Go tell the trees, Gaia.


How shall we say, grandchildren,

That we lost our planet?

How shall we hold up our heads

With it left desolate?


Go tell the bees, Gaia,

while some few are left.

Go tell the trees, Gaia.


What shall we do, please

to change this story?

What shall we do, please,

to honour your glory?


Go tell the bees, Gaia,

That we are bereft.

Go tell the trees, Gaia.

Last modified on
Bee Smith has enjoyed a long relationship with SageWoman as a contributor, columnist and blogger. She lives in the Republic of Ireland, teaches creative writing and is a member of the Irish Art Council's Writers in Prisons panel. She is the author of "Brigid's Way: Celtic Reflections on the Divine Feminine."    


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