Happy 2014! So many people make the resolution to 'get healthy' with the coming year. Instead of trying to put yourself on some fad diet or harsh exercise, get clear and clean first. 

Your body is an amazing vessel. Most of us cram it full of junk and toxins. Most everyone is born with organs that innately know how to detox and keep excess toxins at bay. Although detox is not a new concept, the truth is that some of us, because of genetics, don't have a strong defense against toxins. This can manifest as weight gain & control; skin problems of all sorts; infertility; fatigue or inflammation and infections. Each one of us is dealing with one or more of these problems. As I was cruising my Facebook this morning, I found a link to a favorite page, Young and Raw. The company discusses the benefits of healing and cleansing with raw or whole foods.  They provide 21 day and 90 day cleanses with meal plans and recipe books for a healthier living. I have used a 21 day cleanse and the results for my body and energy level were amazing!

They have put together a list of 15 foods and herbs that will help your body detox and build up immunities, some of the herbs I have discussed in this blog.

1. Dandelion Greens ~ Bitter greens are liver loving foods. They help support liver detoxification and gallbladder, while improving kidney function.

2. Parsley ~ Adds an extra layer of nourishment; liver protection and acts as a blood cleanser.

3. Ginger ~ My all time favorite! It is a natural anti-inflammatory; anti-viral and anti everything. It increases circulation and boosts immunity.

4. Turmeric ~ Is one of the world's healthiest foods. The benefits promote liver detoxification. Note that you can overdo turmeric, so take caution.

5. Reishi Mushroom ~ You can find this in tea, capsule or tincture form. This 'shroom is a super food because of its potent ability to move excess toxins and strengthen the immune system.

6. Seaweed ~ I have tried seaweed. It is gross. However, this powerful food can help prevent women's cancer and radiation overload. 

7. Broccoli ~ From cancer prevention to estrogen detoxification and hormone balance, this vegetable improves your body's ability to defend against noxious invaders.

8. Brussels Sprouts ~ This little head of cabbage is rich in sulfur, supporting the detox process as well as being an anti-inflammatory.

9. Avocado ~ Another favorite of mine is high in nourishing fats, boost magnesium levels; provide proteins which help liver function and stabilize blood sugar.

10. Coconut Oil ~ Anti-fungal, anti- bacterial and like Ginger anti-anything-not-good-for-you! Commonly used to fight many types of bad yeast growth.

11. Burdock Root ~ Burdock cleanses the blood and supports healthy, clear skin. This root is great for cleaning your blood of processed foods or refined white sugar.

12. Sauerkraut ~ Supports digestion and assists in the absorption of good nutrients. Sauerkraut also supports your body's detox and immune system.

13. Green Tea~ Loaded with antioxidants, a cup of this on a daily basis will support a healthier lifestyle.

14. Cilantro ~ Is used for clearing heavy metals from the body such as mercury.

15. Milk Thistle ~ Milk Thistle blocks certain toxins from penetrating cells and safely clears them from the liver. 

Those requiring a more intense detox should do so under the guidance of an herbalist or Naturopathic doctor before you take the plunge. Here's to a healthier you!


For more information on Young and Raw visit ~ https://www.facebook.com/youngandraw