SageWoman Blogs
What if your belly — the most maligned feature of women's bodies — were not shameful but sacred? What if your belly were home to the profound wisdom, power, and guidance ready to reveal itself to you through image, breath, story, and ritual? What if your body's center were in fact sacred space, temple of the Sacred Feminine as She lives within you?
If you want to make peace with your body and your belly — if you want to claim the treasure waiting for you within your body's core — join me on this journey of discovery. We'll invoke story, image, breath, ritual, and more as we go.
Connecting With The Sacred Feminine
What and where is the Sacred Feminine?
How do we connect with Her?
Why is it important that we connect with Her?
These and other questions are the subject of my recent conversation with Barbara Hanneloré, author of The Moon and You - A Woman's Guide to an Easier Monthly Cycle. You can listen in to our conversation, part of the Womb Wisdom telesummit Barbara is organizing, beginning April 22.
The free Womb Wisdom telesummit brings together 12 women, sharing their expertise on subjects ranging from Fertility Awareness and Pelvic Floor Health to Mandala Meditations and Creativity.
Once you register for this free event, you're on your way to receiving gifts from each of the presenters. I’m offering two gifts, each complementing The Woman's Belly Book: a $5 discount on the Honoring Your Belly instructional DVD and a 20% discount on the full-color illustrated paperback, Rite for Invoking the Sacred Feminine.
Here's the theme of my conversation with Barbara regarding the what, where, how, and why of connecting with the Sacred Feminine: She is in our midst.
The Goddess In Our Midst
The Great Goddess —
call her as you will:
Mary, Isis, Kali, Tara,
Demeter, Eve, Asherah —
is here among us.
She is tangible, personal, present, earthy, real.
While some gods may be abstract, remote, out of reach,
She is here among us, in substance.
She is in our midst, embodied.
In the matter of our bodies, she is in our midst:
She lives within the center of our bodies
in that place we call the belly.
Our culture shuns the Sacred Feminine
and likewise shames woman's belly.
The devastating consequences of
denying the Sacred Feminine play out
communally —
in violence, injustice,
poverty, disease,
environmental despoilation
and personally —
in addiction, illness,
lack of purpose,
dissatisfaction, discontent.
Whatever we think will save us or heal us
from this devastation,
in essence
what we're seeking is
reconnection with the Sacred Feminine.
We're craving a way
to reclaim the Sacred Feminine in our lives,
a way to move into
intimate experience
and personal knowledge of Her
as our center of being.
We can reclaim the Sacred Feminine in our lives
by honoring the place where She dwells within us:
our bellies.
We can reconnect with Her
by making pilgrimage
to the temple wherein She dwells,
deepening our awareness
into our bellies with movement, breath, kind regard.
Honoring and energizing our bellies,
we come to know, to be with,
the goddess in our midst.
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