
Imbolg also known as Candlemas – Feb 2nd


As I wonder along the quiet country lane on a crisp winter’s morning, a smile begins to spread across my face. A bright beam of sunlight strikes the hedgerow awakening the sleepy flora and fauna and I know the darkness of winter is behind us.

The burgundy red spires of dogwood stems add a rich and vibrant warmth to the brown hues of the twigs and stems, striking yellow gorse lights up the way like little lamps shining brightly and clumps of Old Man’s Beard drift aimlessly from branch to branch.

Bramble masks its prickly presence with a rich purple glow of arching stems and the hazel catkins dangle their luminous yellow fronds as if beckoning to come closer and listen...


Listen to the gentle hum deep within the Earth, only those who do not hear think this is a quiet time of year, quiet and still. How wrong they are for already things are waking from the long winter slumber, shaking free from the cloak of darkness and igniting with new life.

Snowdrops, so pure, so gentle, seem to bob their heads in recognition, their inner beauty hidden deep within the capped petals. White and green, traditional colours of Spring, white signalling the return of Light upon the Earth, Light returning from the winter’s darkness and resting time and green to signify the excitement of new life as buds begin to form and swell.


And there, just there, peeping out from beneath the dark womb of the Earth, the very first shoots of new nettles. Dark green and succulent and already my mouth begins to water at the thought of a tasty nettle soup. Nettles, packed with vitamins and minerals help to cleanse the liver from winter’s over indulgences and fortify the blood, a true spring tonic indeed. Some for the pot, some for drying and some to be made into tinctures.

So here we are, at the beginning of February and ready to celebrate the Feast of Light known as Imbolg ( Celtic meaning ewes milk ) or more commonly known as Candlemas. We can  celebrate having survived the long hard winter passed, a time for us to close the door on its darkness and herald the coming of Light and Life and new beginnings all around us. Some of us mark the occasion by bringing indoors a few sprigs of hazel dripping with catkins or some beautiful delicate snowdrops. Clumps of reeds or straw may be gathered to make a Brigid’s cross, a talisman that represents the quickening of life and the process of birth and re-birth.


A reminder to us all, that from the Death of Winter comes Life in Spring and so the Wheel turns.

Blessed Be

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