SageWoman Blogs
The New Moon is a time for initiating and planting seeds in our lives; it is a symbolic time of personal rebirth. Metaphorically, it is the time of the Maiden, the new, fresh outgoing energy of the Triple Goddess. It's the optimum time to birth new intentions, set plans in motion, and state new goals. While the Moon is still dark (not visible) our seedling intentions can be nurtured and their roots can be strengthened. This blog will address the New Moon each month from an Astrological perspective, and how you can co-create with the natural rhythms to manifest your highest intent. Each Moon will correspond to a Guiding Goddess Archetype that resonates with the current astrological energies.
Happy 2015! Let the Journey Begin!
Happy New Year everyone!
We have been through some pretty gnarly Astrology over the last few years, and 2015 will be a year not only to look back and see how far we’ve come, but a year to point our compass in the direction of our choice. Since June 2012, we’ve been going through what is arguably the biggest marker of our generation – the Uranus/Pluto Square. In that time, we have seen some sea changes in our personal lives and in the outer world, with evolution versus revolution at the core of it all. The Cardinal signs, Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn have gotten the brunt of it, with upheaval and transition becoming second nature to them by now. Uranus/Pluto will conclude the last of its seven squares on March 17th. We have all become quite accustomed to this energy now, and the final square will hopefully be a time of initiation and deep realization on a collective level.
Another difficult transit that has affected many of us since October 2012, was Saturn’s transit through the deep, and often dark waters of Scorpio. The past two years have seen a proliferation of Scorpionic shadow rise to the surface, and we’ve been bombarded by news stories of the darker side of Scorpio. Sex and power have been very much in the spotlight. From gut wrenching brutality against women in India, to shining a light on the underbelly of Jian Ghomeshi’s barbaric proclivities, Saturn in Scorpio made sure we were forced to witness that which needs to be changed. Scorpio also is associated with death, and the Right to Die with Dignity has been very much a topic of discussion since October 2012.
If we are feeling a little emotionally and psychologically raw, healing is on the way! December 23rd, Saturn, AKA - Lord Karma – moved into the optimistic, adventurous and philosophical sign of Sagittarius. And, although Saturn will slide back by retrograde into the last 2 degrees of Scorpio between June and September this coming year, we are well on our way to finding meaning in the material that was unearthed while the Cosmic Taskmaster was in Scorpio. The fixed signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius can all look forward to a much lighter and brighter outlook over 2015. For those born between 1956–1958 and 1986–1988, you will be experiencing your Saturn Return sometime between now and the next three years. The Saturn Return is one of the most important milestones in the human lifespan, and is often characterized by serious life transitions. Saturn returns to the place it was at your birth approximately every 29 years, and we experience it around the ages of 27-31, and again between 58-60.
Mercury goes retrograde in all the Air signs this year. Here is a quick view of the dates for this year: starting on January 21st – February 11th (Aquarius) May 18th - June 11th (Gemini) and September 17th - October 9th (Libra). Be sure to check in each month here on the Cosmic Weather Report for the full scoop, including Mercury shadow periods to be aware of. Venus - the planetary archetype of love, relationship, art, and values - goes retrograde between July 25th until September 6th, which is right smack dab in the middle of wedding season. If you are choosing a wedding date, contact me and I would be happy to help you select the best date for you and your betrothed.
2015 begins with the Moon in social, chatty Gemini. Mars opposite Jupiter ignites our spirit of adventure. Do some fun brainstorming about what you’d like to accomplish this year, and try and get outside in the great outdoors.
On January 3rd, fair Venus leaves earthy Capricorn and moves into free wheeling Aquarius. Venus in Aquarius is intellectual, heady, and marches to the beat of her own drummer. Our thoughts around relationship are progressive and exploratory while the planetary archetype of love, value and art transits the sign of the Water Bearer. On the 4th, Mercury joins Venus in the sign of Aquarius, helping us to be more broadminded and solution oriented. Expect to turn a corner, as brilliant insight can happen in a flash with this combination. Thinking outside the box with innovation, creative thinking and unique inspiration is the way forward now.
The 4th also brings us our first Full Moon of 2014, in the sign of Cancer, and will activate the Uranus/Pluto Square, making this a potentially crunchy, reactive, emotionally volatile Moon. On the other hand, this potent energy may be just what we need to rebirth ourselves at a core level. Cancer is the archetype of the Great Mother, and She has something to say to us about the power of nurturing, the wisdom of the Grandmothers and the instinctual heartbeat of the divine feminine. Something comes to fruition or a culmination point now. A solution is highlighted to something we have been struggling with.
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I have exciting news to share on this New Year! I am announcing my very first commercial space/ Astrology Studio in historic Fan Tan Alley, in beautiful Victoria BC! Please come help me celebrate on my grand opening - the day after Chinese New Year, February 20th, at 4:00 pm.
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