I was recently interviewed for a Huffington Post article on Samhain, asking how I celebrated this holy time.  Here's what I told the reporter, Laurie Lovecraft, for her article, Samhain: West Coast Style, sharing what a group of people in the West Coast community do during this often misunderstood sacred time.  Perhaps you'll put in the comments below how you practice Samhain.....

At Samhain I check in with myself and see how I feel -- if I 'm feeling celebratory or want to participate within the community I'll attend a public Samhain ritual. But if I'm seeking guidance or feeling like going within, I'll steer toward a more private ritual, alone or with my closest friends.  My mother passed away a year ago and my sister very recently.  No doubt they will be in my thoughts.

I also think Samhain is an opportunity for social justice activism. I remember not just my loved ones who have passed, but also women and men who have dedicated their lives to making the world a better place or have suffered and even died due to patriarchal oppression and exploitation. People who were victims of the Inquisition or suffragettes. People who have died or suffered to help others have a better quality of life. It is important we remember these foremothers and wayshowers and not take for granted their efforts, dedication to humanity, or their accomplishments. -  Karen Tate