Living the Wheel: Seasonal Musings of the Pagan Year
Thoughts and musings of the wheel of the Pagan Year.
Everyday Blessings
Our world has changed, as it does, and as it must, though no one could have anticipated such a catalyst. I have been away from these boards for so long, I hardly know where to begin. At the onset of the pandemic, I was working in elder care, a terribly vulnerable population to face COVID. Through sheer tenacity we were able to keep the residents in the facility safe and health, much to our surprise. My own family fared well; it was only a few months ago that my adult daughter came down with COVID. She lives on her own and was able to isolate. Fortunately, she had a mild case and was back on her feet in a week.
COVID hit my household three weeks ago when my adult son tested positive. It knocked him flat, and he is still recovering from the aftereffects, though he is certainly much better. Amid all the uncertainty of the ongoing pandemic I did not expect to face a health crisis of a different nature, one isolation and rest couldn't resolve. In February I received an unexpected and utterly surprising cancer diagnosis; in May it was determined to be stage three, necessitating twelve weeks of chemotherapy.
Blood work and scans at the end of November have shown that all is well. I am well aware of the gift of healing that was bestowed on me, and I am truly grateful. My prayers to Kuan Yin and Brigid were not unheard, and the Great Mother watched over me as mothers do.
I found wells of resolve within myself that I didn't know existed. I am the person that sets a workout goal only to give up a week later. I am a hopeless procrastinator unless I can't be, and generally have to force myself to finish projects I start. In this there was no opportunity to put off finishing what I started, there would be no leaving things unfinished. I went to my treatments, lived through the nausea and dizziness and exhaustion, and kept going. I went to work as best as I could, taking days off as I needed to thanks to an encouraging and understanding manager, herself a cancer survivor.
I have always appreciated the promise of new opportunity each day brings, but now I recognize each moment of grace that is available to us. The gods present us with gifts daily: the gift of life, of choice. The gift of light and birdsong and falling leaves and puppy kisses. Taking a moment to consider such gifts is a balm for the soul; it reminds us that there is beauty meant for us to see and enjoy and taste. We are meant to experience life, not watch it pass us by. We need to work and earn a living, yes, but we are also meant to experience joy and wonder and magic. The gifts of the Goddess are tangible and exist for us.
I wish you wellness and joy in the coming year, and I hope you are able to seek joy and experience the world's beauty for yourself every day.
Many blessings.
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