SageWoman Blogs
I am intrigued with living and conceptualizing the emerging paradigm of the Sacred Feminine. May you experience this blog as a Circle where you can breathe in to who you are. May you find new dimensions to yourself.
Lover Meets Beloved
Step into the place of the lover, and the beloved will turn up. The Lover is here for you, has been here all along. Step into the place of the Beloved and sense Earth from this position. Gaia. She's here. She's more than ready to be your Lover. Open up to what starts happening in your life- today- as you step into this. Feel your cells responding. Feel your energy. So much wonder, magic and love right here, right now!
It becomes easier when you allow yourself to be the Beloved of Gaia first. You don't need to make the first move. Gaia is inviting you through every tree, every bird song, every flower. Will you stop and see? Allow your breath to quicken and your heart to miss a beat? Step into the place of the lover, and the beloved will turn up.
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