I love dinner table time.  Always have.  It's a time where we all sit around and talk, laugh, throw each other under the bus and have deep conversations.  

A couple Saturdays ago was one of my favorite nights.  The kids were all talking about stuff, nothing out of the ordinary, just general stuff.  Then my youngest (who will be 10 in a couple weeks) says that she sometimes sees us and God together, as if the Earth is inside God's stomach and when someone dies he is given birth again through God.  Hmmmm, that was an interesting concept, one that I wouldn't have thought that she would think of.  

Immediately after, my 14 year old son pipes in and says that he thinks that God was an actual person that humans met a long, long time ago, like the beginning of time.  He goes on to say that he thinks that it is in our genetic make-up the memory of this person.  Again, deep discussions. This one line of discussion led into talking about transplant recipients and how they can have genetic memories of the donor.

Another night at the dinner table brings a different conversation topic from my youngest.  She suddenly blurts out “What if there was another ‘me’ doing the same thing in a different place like Delaware?”  Hmmm, “Like a parallel universe?” I ask.  I get a blank look from her and a look from my husband as if this might be too much and too deep for her at this moment.  *sigh*

She then went on saying that if she ran into this other her, she would bring her home so she can live with us.  I asked her how we would know which is the real her.  She said that she would be the real one and the other would be the fake.  My husband asks, “but how do you know that she’s the fake one?”  My daughter looked at us quizzically.  I told her “what if you are the fake one and the other one is really the real one?”  That got the gears rolling and she sat a bit quiet.  She popped up a few minutes later saying “I didn’t say that it would really happen, it just popped into my head. You know, these things just pop into my head.” 

Geesh, she’s 10 and already these ideas are ‘popping’ into her head.  I’m trying to remember how old I was when I was questioning Christianity and God and the thought of humans being created in “God’s” image and the Darwinian side of me questioning at what stage would you consider “God’s” image.  I know I drove my father batty over those questions.

My questions continue and I’m glad to see that one of my kids is comfortable enough to open up and ask questions as deep as she can.  I don’t mind one single bit.  I just wish I still had my dad around to bounce my own personal questions off. 

My latest and greatest query….I know of places being portals for spirits to move through…but can a person be a portal of sorts as well?  Maybe I should ask my daughter.