SageWoman Blogs
Daughters of Gaia is written in response to a universal call for the reawakening of the slumbering "Goddess" or Feminine Principle. All who have eyes to see and ears to hear, realize the need for a global healing via a re-emergence of the Divine Feminine Principle within the human psyche. World events are making it increasingly clear that to continue on our current Masculine-Principle-dominated-path is to embrace self-annihilation. It is only through a resurgence of the healing Wisdom of the Feminine aspect of our being; along with the re-balancing of our Masculine and Feminine Energies; that humanity can hope for a future. This Blog is a call to all "Goddesses" everywhere to take up the mantle of human agent through which the Healing Energies of the Great Mother may once again be ignited within the Heart of Humanity.
Some Thoughts On Living This Life From The Inside Out...
♀There is a part of me that not only knows the waybut is the Way.
♀I am discovering that when I make a conscious decision to release all doubt, fear and insistence on my life unfolding as I command it to; and instead, surrender to whatever is, my life will then begin to flow with a grace and wisdom clearly not born of my intellect nor from anything I’ve gleaned from my education, professional background or national culture. Not at all. Life then becomes more of a natural, organic unfolding of events and experiences that flow from an inner place of mystery at the center of my being(the area of the third and fourth CHAKRAS) into the world of form.
♀I am discovering that each rebirth…each recreation of self and one’s way of being in the world occurs only after I’ve stop chasing the Dream du jour; letting it go completely and accepting whatever is being presented in my life day by day—moment by moment. In the past, I’ve had to get to that point of desperation(I’m sure you’ve been there)—no money…old opportunities dried up…no new ones on the horizon…running on empty…finding myself doing the same things over and over; repeating what I’ve already tried in a thousand futile attempts to make what I want—happen. I still at times catch myself trying to “make it happen.” It is not until I permit myself to exist in that state of empty nothingness—willing to surrender my insistence on trying to make life happen my way, that the new self along with the new life begin to unfold in, through and as me and everything and everyone that I experience—as if by magic.
♀I am reminded of an event of some forty-odd years ago: I am lying across my marriage bed weeping in suicidal misery one afternoon when the children are at school. I am sobbing my life out; ready to throw in the towel and just end it all when I hear a voice calling to me: Toni, I’m coming…stop crying. It was so real it startled me into ceasing all of my moaning and wailing. It was a woman’s voice seeming to come from a long, long distance. I listened for her to say something more. But she uttered not another word, this distant speaker. The sound of her voice, however, and the words she spoke: Toni, I’m coming…stop crying…have haunted me all through the ensuing years. And then, one day, not too long ago, as I sat here at my window altar, writing in my journal as I am now, I suddenly knew exactly who she was and from whence her voice came: she was me, the present me calling from the future to that younger me of the past who might very well have ended her life in that timespace had she not been given hope…thrown a lifeline from the future to which she could cling as she moved through the years into this here-now.
♀How grateful I am today to the Crone who sits at this window gazing out through my eyes at beauty that never fails to stir the heart through all the changing seasons of life. So grateful is the-me-here-now even as I release her to the coming tomorrows in which she shall become a newer, wiser, stronger, more whole and loving me: a more accurate reflection of The Holy Mother in whose image I am wrought.
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