Today is Imbolc, a day devoted to Brigid, keeper of the creative flame of Kildare.  It’s also the launch of my first nonfiction book, Goddess Spells for Busy Girls. I am over the moon about this book, and I can’t wait to celebrate both the title and the holiday this evening with a small circle. The process of birthing a book is intense and long, and I thank Brigid and all my muses for the ability to weave words.

This little book has the potential to travel to places I’ll never see, and because of that, I have a favor to ask you, dear readers. Will you let me journey vicariously through you as you read my words?

I’d love to hear from you about where you bought the book, or where you started to read it. Better yet, if you want to send me a picture I can include on my virtual pin board, that would be lovely.

Take me traveling with you! Shoot me an email at jenmcconnel (at) live (dot) com, tag me on Twitter at @ProDeaWriter, or find me on Facebook; I can’t wait to see where Goddess Spells turns up!

And, since this column is all about travel, I wanted to share one of my favorite travel safety spells from the book with you today.




Isis went all over the world in search of her husband. The next time you leave home, let her help you.


                        A piece of red thread (long enough to tie around your wrist): Don’t cut it yet.


1. Take the thread. Cut it so that it’s long enough to wrap around your wrist at least once (more if you like).

2. As you cut the thread, say, “Mother Isis, I ask that you watch over me as I travel ____.”

3. Tie the thread around your wrist.

4. Wear it for the entire duration of your trip. On your last day of travel, break the thread with a sharp tug and leave it outside somewhere.

Reprinted with permission from Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC. Goddess Spells for Busy Girls by Jen McConnel will be available wherever books and ebooks are sold beginning February 1, 2014 or from the publisher at 1-800-423-7087 or



Will you take me traveling with you? I can’t wait to find out the places GODDESS SPELLS visits!