Tarot Templates: A Card A Day Creates Magic

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Affirmative Magic

Hi, my name is Arwen and I do affirmations. 

It's true. It was sometime in the mid 80's that I became an Affirmation addict. At least I think that is when I first ran across this concept. My first real memory of learning about affirmations was in Marion Weinstein's fabulous little red book,

Earth Magic: A Dianic Book of Shadows or as it is called now Earth Magic: A Book of Shadows for Positive Witches.

In that book, Weinstein doesn't, if memory serves, call the work affirmations. But that is what the work is for me. I first used it to get material things--the first being a computer. No lie. I told everyone I met that I had a computer (it is important to couch the words in the here and now as if it were already real.) Someone finally asked me what kind. I cheerfully responded I didn't know...it wasn't mine yet.

That person said their office was getting rid of old computers and I got one. So yeah, I became a believer then.

Now I do affirmations nearly every day. I like to pull a Tarot card to help me frame the day's affirmation then I post it on my Facebook page along with the card I used.

Here is one of those. I pulled Gaia The World from the Gaian Tarot. Then I open my mind up to the image. I am not as locked into the traditional meanings of the cards when I do these affirmations.

b2ap3_thumbnail_21-world.jpgAffirmation for Monday May 5, 2014

Today I embrace the possibilities. Today I am open to laughing. Today I am a joyful child of the Universe. Today I fill my empty spaces with meaningful things. Today I own my own power. Today I seek joy. In the words of Joanna Powell Colbert, "May all beings be blessed." #Seekjoy y'all. Pass it on.

Gaia The World, Gaian Tarot, Joanna Powell Colbert (used with permission)

Do you do affirmations? What is it you like about them? I'd love to hear from you.

Seek joy, y'all. Pass it on.

Last modified on
Professional Tarot conversationalist, Arwen Lynch has worked with Tarot as a vehicle for personal transformation since 1980. Her personal philosophy is that Tarot is best used to correct your life course. She is a published author (in romance, as Marilu Mann) as well as past president of the American Tarot Association (4/1/2007-4/1/2014). She specializes in helping people who are determined find their joy and writers who want to finish their book. She's an initiate of Wicca.


  • Danielle Blackwood
    Danielle Blackwood Wednesday, 07 May 2014

    Thanks for this post Arwen! I was delighted to see you reference Marion Weinstein's "A Dianic Book of Shadows". What a wonderful little book that was, and one of my first on the path. Funny enough, a computer was also one of the first things I manifested - for Astrology charts - way back in the mid 80's! Thanks again :)

  • Arwen Lynch
    Arwen Lynch Wednesday, 07 May 2014

    That book was life-changing for me. And it is funny we both got computers! LOL Did you use Astrolog way back then? I think that's the name of the old 3.1 program that ran in DOS. :D

  • Danielle Blackwood
    Danielle Blackwood Wednesday, 07 May 2014

    Yes, I started studying Astrology in 1987! Wow! So long ago, it feels like another lifetime :) And yes, I think that was the program! Did you also read M.W.'s "Positive Magic"? That's the one that started it all for me in a serious way. :)

  • Arwen Lynch
    Arwen Lynch Wednesday, 07 May 2014

    Yes! I still invoke the "ten foot pole" rule. LOL Nice to meet another "oldie but goodie" from back in the day. Were you on PODS too?

  • Danielle Blackwood
    Danielle Blackwood Wednesday, 07 May 2014

    Yes, great to meet you too! :)
    Remind me - What is PODS?

  • Arwen Lynch
    Arwen Lynch Wednesday, 07 May 2014

    PODS was the Pagan Occult Distribution System that ran on BBS's back in the day. :D There were different areas like Lapidar and Merry Meat (no misspelling, lol) and many others. It was my first introduction to the pagan community on the web.

  • Danielle Blackwood
    Danielle Blackwood Wednesday, 07 May 2014

    No, I guess I was a late comer to the web! I think maybe 1999! I missed that one :)

  • Francesca De Grandis
    Francesca De Grandis Thursday, 15 May 2014

    Arwen, awesome! I too did not call em affirmations decades ago, I called em spells, LOL. I would tell my students that spell-crafting was like affirmations but with a punch. Stay bright, my sister in joy.

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