Tarot Templates: A Card A Day Creates Magic
Tarot can be used for many things including futurecasting. This blog will focus on Tarot as a tool for introspection including spreads, readings, individual card explorations and investigating themes of Tarot. You can expect discussions of magical uses of Tarot as well. If you have a question, please send it for possible inclusion in a blog topic.
Meadow Magic
One of my great loves is to create spreads for Tarot. This one can be used with any oracle deck. I think it would be fun to try it with Lisa Hunt's gorgeous Winged Enchantment Oracle. I created this spread about nine years ago while living in Colorado.
It came about while walking the dogs I had at that time. Sadly, both have run on to the Rainbow Bridge. I still have dogs to walk. I think I may always have dogs to walk. But back to that time. There was a meadow I walked them in. I called it a meadow. It was really the huge front lawn of a church beside my apartment building. Here is what I wrote then.
-----------------TIME MACHINE BEGINS WHRRR WHRRR WHRRR------------------------------
Life is a green field dotted with flowers of several types. There are some weeds as well. And, if you live where I live, every now and again, there is a sharp prickly ball of cactus waiting to stab the unwary. I’ve been thinking about a spread that would take on this metaphor of life as a meadow. Laying out cards in my head. Naming positions. None of them really fit what I wanted to say.
Until on this morning’s walk I had one of those “Eureka!” moments. So I’m not Curie. How about a “Eureka” nanosecond? Is that better? Now stick with me. I’m going to walk you through another spread creation.
I wanted the meadow metaphor with all the things in it. I wanted the surprise of the cactus we never expect. Then I also needed some weed cards. So here is what I came up with.
Yeah, I know. The positions aren’t marked. That’s because this is a very different spread.
Here’s the deal. I want you to lay three rows of three cards face down in front of you.
Three of these cards represent home, career, and love. You pick which ones (no fair peeking!)
Write them down:
- Home:
- Career:
- Love:
Now three of these cards represent flowers or friends who are in your life. You pick which ones. The third card is a friend you haven’t met yet or don’t know very well.
- Friend 1:
- Friend 2:
- Friend 3:
The last three cards are weeds and the cactus. Pick the two weeds first. Leave the cactus for last.
- Weed 1:
- Weed 2:
Take time as you turn the first 8 cards over. Look at them. See where they fell in the spread. What is next to whom. A friend next to a weed might be the one to help you pull that weed from your life.
Now that last card. Before you turn it over, consider this. A cactus is not always as bad as you think. Even covered with spines the cactus blooms in the most amazing way after a rainstorm. So your cactus may bring unexpected beauty into your life rather than unexpected pain.
- Cactus
-----------------TIME MACHINE ENDS WHRRR WHRRR WHRRR------------------------------
I hope you will share your own findings with me. I'm going to try this out with Lisa's oracle soon.
Seek joy, y'all. Pass it on.
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