Bastet is one of my household Goddesses, and I'm looking forward to spending time with her this week. A household with five felines in it has to honor Bastet, right? And a house with two queer female householders and five felines really has to honor Bastet! She is, after all, not just the Goddess of Cats, but of sexuality in all its forms, a protector of women, and the patroness of divine play. Bastet was one of the first Goddess I met, on a transformative trip to Egypt in my early 20s, and she has had a place on my altar and in my heart every since. Even if I am not always so good at remembering her message, to find play and moments of lightheartedness.

And I can use some lightheartedness this week! Last week was trying, with the news that a promising job lead had fallen through, my partner's mother having hip replacement, and a brief descent into a black depression that kept me mired in sadness and inertia for several days. (I am happy to report that my partner's  mom is doing well, there are new job opportunities on the horizon, and I'm back to my usual self!) Last week was heavy beyond heavy, with few moments of laughter and play. This week I'm thankful to have the reminder that we need those moments of light, of silliness. We need to be able to look at the world like a cat and see everything as something to investigate, to be curious about, to play with.

Some questions I'll work with this week, as I spend time with Bastet:

How can I cultivate a sense of play in my life?

How can I renew my curiosity about the world?

What makes me feel lighthearted?

What makes me feel playful?

How can I use this sense of play to meet obstacles?

What does "play" mean to me?