Third Wave Witch: Feminist Spirituality, Spiritual Feminism

Third Wave Witchcraft explores the intersection of feminism, Witchcraft, Goddess Spirituality, and feminist activism. A place to explore how to make our spirituality more feminist, our feminism more spiritual, and our world more just.

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Weekly Goddess Inspiration: Benzaiten

One of the things I love about working with Kris Waldherr's Goddess Inspiration Oracle is that she includes Goddesses from many cultures, including nonWestern and indigenous ones. This deck has really expanded my awareness of different Goddesses, and I always smile when one I haven't pulled before comes up. (And though I've been working with the cards for nearly three years, I still have new ones come up!)

So I smiled when Benzai-ten, Japanese Goddess of Talents, came into my life for this week. And I chuckled when I saw her message, which is

"Your talents can bring you wealth.

Look for opportunities."


Benzaiten by Kris Waldherr

Benzaiten is especially appropriate for me right now for a myriad of reasons. As a part-time faculty member whose schedule changes every semester, I'm staring at the end of the semester with no solid teaching plans for summer in sight. I've also been working to build my businesses -- my Tarot site Dakotawitch Divines, my Etsy shop Dreaming Priestess Creations, my teaching of Tarot and metaphysical classes, and my writing business. I've been getting asked to write -- for Witches and Pagans, for Moon books, and for some other publications. And yet in the midst of all this I've had a huge case of Imposter Syndrome -- fear that I am not talented enough to do these things that I love and make a living at them.

Seeing Benzaiten pop up for me right when I need her was my reminder that I am good enough -- that I do not need to compare myself with others. I have my unique gifts and talents, and I can and should offer them to the world. She also reminds me to think bigger about marketing my businesses, finding opportunities, speaking my truth. I am excited to work with her, this week and beyond.

Here are a few questions I'll be pondering this week. I hope you'll join me!

What are my talents?

What talents do I overlook or downplay?

How can I nurture my talents?

How can I showcase my talents?

What support do I need to take the new opportunities headed my way?

What opportunities might I be overlooking?

What new opportunities can I seek out?

What holds me back from applying my talents or seeking opportunities?

How can I break these patterns of holding myself back?

Last modified on
Susan Harper is an eclectic solitary Feminist Witch from Irving, Texas. She is a professor of Anthropology, Sociology, and Women's Studies, with a focus on gender, religion, and sexuality. She is also an activist, community educator, and writer. When she's not making magick or fomenting social change, Susan is the head soapmaker, herbalist, and aromatherapist for Dreaming Priestess Creations. She shares her life with her partner, Stephanie, five cats, and two guinea pigs.


  • Paola Suarez
    Paola Suarez Wednesday, 09 April 2014

    Great questions and great timing with this post. I really needed to read this. Thank you Susan! :)

  • Susan Harper
    Susan Harper Wednesday, 09 April 2014

    Thanks so much for reading! Benzai-ten came for me at just the right time, too! I'm delighted to have you exploring her message with me!

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