Contrary to my usual pattern in the high, bright, Texas Springtime, I've found myself doing a lot of going within of late. I'm facing something of a transition in my career -- not necessarily out of my line of work and into a new one, but into a new relationship with what I do and also the launching of several new ventures. I've found myself simultaneously terrified and excited by the changes, and have been feeling a lot of internal changes and shifts as well.

Add in that I've been teaching an 8-week online intensive about the Chakras, with this last week focusing on the Sacral Chakra with all its powers of intuition, creativity, and finding personal power and passion, and it's been a time of really considering what makes me tick, what I need to feel stable and safe (thanks, Root Chakra!), and exploring my relationship with my intuition and ability to trust myself.

It was nice to get a little affirmation that I'm doing the work I need to be doing....


"Gather wisdom from deep sources"

Some questions I'll be working with this week, and which I encourage you to consider as well?

What is my soul asking me to do right now?

What does the still, quiet voice inside me say?

Is it hard for me to listen to my gut or intuition? Why or why not?

What practices can I engage in to help me better trust my Deep Source?

What other Deep Sources of wisdom am I able to access?

The above image, as always, comes from The Goddess Inspiration Oracle by Kris Waldherr. This particular image comes from The Goddess Inspiration Oracle app!