
Imbolc in dark, cold winter can signify endurance in the face of adversity and scarcity: we may encounter fragility, tenuousness, uncertainty, darkness and despair beyond what we think we can endure.

Women know these experiences.

We have held both new life and death in our hands. We have wondered: will this child make it, will the addict live or die, will my lover come home, will I survive this loss? Will I be OK? Will there be enough resources to see us into spring?

I imagine our ancestors sitting in circle at this time of year, with whatever sources of light they had, listening to one another. Just so. we are invited to sit circle together and share how we "are," what we need, what is frozen, what is thawing, what is fragile. In the deep winter, we begin again.

We say Yes again each year: Yes to the living of life again and whatever it may bring. I speak of Imbolc as a time of Faith.

KIm Duckett © Mother Tongue Ink 2016


Kim Duckett Ph.D (Ashville, NC) Priestess/Ritualist/Teacher of Women's studies for 30 years; Founder and Elder Priestess of WHISPER: Land of the sky, "A Year and a Day Sacred Mystery School for Women," and WOTY: The Wheel of the Year as an Earth-Based Spiritual Psychology for Women training. For more information about the Wheel as psychology book, contact Kim at followheartkd@gmail.com

Autumn Skye Art (Powell River, BC) I aim to share honesty and awakening. To
celebrate this fantastic adventure, inspire, and be inspired. I humbly offer
each painting as a mirror, a reflection of our light and shadow, our
feminine essence, and our timeless divinity.