A Divine Womb of Light: The Alchemy of the Goddess

A Divine Womb of Light is an exploration of the Sacred Feminine and the application of Her transformative energies. These writings will have the intent and focus of inspiring and quickening within the individual a thirst for deeper connection and opening to the magick and gnosis of the Goddess in all of Her forms. She is the Mother, the Uraeus, the Muse, the Warrior, and the Healer, to name a few. SHE is the cycle of life and death and all that is held between; and my goal is to share the wisdom of her Womb of Light that all may claim their Divine birthright.

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Robin Fennelly

Robin Fennelly

Robin Fennelly is an Elder within The Assembly of the Sacred Wheel Tradition and serves as High Priestess of Coven of the Mystic Path, the 12th Coven within the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel Tradition. She teaches and facilitates classes for the Pagan Experience Study Group that serves as foundation for membership within Coven of the Mystic Path.
Her spiritual journey is strongly rooted in both Eastern philosophy and the Western Magickal systems from which she has formed a core foundation that is diverse in knowledge and rich in spiritual practice. A life-long learner, her practice has evolved from the classical and philosophical teachings of books, practical experience and enrichment of this knowledge base by attending workshops of various spiritual traditions presented by master teachers.
Robin formally came to the Wiccan path in 1994. Following a practice as a solitary for 2 years, she dedicated to Oak and Willow Coven of The Assembly of the Sacred Wheel Tradition in November of 1996. She received her 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th (Elder) degrees within the Assembly Tradition and has served as High Priestess of two ASW covens since Samhain of 2001 and the Winter Solstice of 2015.
As a teacher of esoteric and magickal studies she uses Energetic Anatomy, Tarot, Astrology, Hermetic Qabala, Eastern Philosophy, and Numerology as the foundations of her diverse selection of workshops and writings for more than 25 years. Exploration of varied energetic protocol has been the focus of her work for some time now and the information gained through direct experience informs all of her magickal and spiritual work.
Robin’s writings have been featured online, and in print Internationally. She has authored several books incorporating her unique style of writing making use of poetry, prose and pathworking to enhance the concepts presented. She has taught extensively throughout the Pagan community, including Sacred Space Conference, Spring Magick, Between the Worlds Interfaith Conference and Free Spirit Gathering Festival. Her most recent projects include a channel on youtube: A Journey to the Inner Chamber. She also shares audio pathworkings and ritual on her bandcamp site: Teachings on the Path with Robin.
Robin is the owner of Holistic Embrace providing services for mind, body and spirit such as Tarot readings, Astrology reports, Spiritual Guidance and other related offerings. She lives in Eastern Pennsylvania and her life is blessed by a 40+- year marriage, five children and the opportunity to work in the field of public education.
Holding Space for Compassion and Discernment in the Storm of Humanity's Aggression

I am posting these observations as a reminder and invitation to be gentle and kind with yourself and others as we navigate some challenging times. I am noticing and hearing in general, as well as out picturing in the election climate, an over stimulation for many in all aspects of their life and work. I am seeing this in my work place, dynamics between individuals breaking down and unproductive exchanges occurring. I am seeing this in conversations and dynamics within our communities. I am seeing this in my personal relationships. And, we all are seeing this on the local, national and global stages. 

Please consider this as a time to hold space for calming, clarity, compassion and an intention towards sending and receiving only that which is for the highest good of all concerned with harm to none. Please consider consciously "checking yourself" when you are feeling moments of agitation and quite frankly short circuiting. Hit the pause button before sending "that" email or speaking what is colored by the abundance of illusion being generated on all fronts right now.

I encourage you to not allow yourself to get caught up in the maelstrom of negativity and aggression that is very accessible to feed on and brings you into a state that is reactionary without giving thought to the larger impact as the volatile waters ripple out. 

Please take great care to keep yourselves anchored in those things that give you joy and are supportive of you remaining centered and grounded. Be in nature. Spend time with your loved ones that nurture you and for whom you can be a point of respite and renewal. Take a break from social media and the news, and don't berate yourself as burying your head in the sand. Remember the directive always is to "put your mask on first" aka. anchor and ground in healthy engagement, if you wish to be of service to humanity.

Hold space for your highest self and let the rest of it blow past you. There is plenty of ongoing work to be done, feed and bolster the best "you" for the long haul.

Blessings for your well-being...R

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Happy Halloween! What Mask Are You Wearing?

Today is October 31.2021 and All Hallow's Eve/Halloween. This is the season for costumes, masks and becoming something other than yourself. In some cases that metamorphosis guides the individual towards a new way of being in the world and in others it is an opportunity to try on another persona. And, for others it is a way of stepping out of the everyday and into projecting a new image for a short period of time.

So, what mask are you wearing today? What is it that you wish to project into the world? What are you temporarily stepping away from to become some(one/thing) else? We have ll been through so much this year and a half+ and re-entering the world has been challenging for some and still not an option for others. And, so I ask what mask you have chosen as a way to give some deep consideration to how we wish to move forward. 

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The Intelligence of the Heart

The Intelligence of the Heart is a concept that has come up frequently in classes I have been teaching as well as my meditations in cultivating a worldview of vaccines, COVID, racial injustice and the choices that individuals are making, collectively and independently. And, so I wanted to share some of my thoughts and offer a brief (17min. pathworking) that will allow you to cultivate the spaciousness to nurture that intelligence within yourself.....

The Intelligence of the Heart refers to the concept that was explored by scientist and metaphysician, R.A Schwaller DeLubicz during his studies of Egyptian spiritual and alchemical practices. For most, the concept of intelligence is confined to the physiology of the mind and the sensory experiences that involve the intellect. To the Ancient Egyptians, the “heart”, rather than the brain, was the holder of these attributes of intelligence and knowing. According to Schwaller:

“Our rational mind is unable to grasp the central mystery, he argues, because our “sensory organization clearly seems to be imperfect.This condition can only be alleviated through a “perfecting of consciousness”. (1)

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The Breath of Flame


I am the Goddess of Fire

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The Wisdom of the Bones: Samhain's Calling

I'm a winter baby and I love the cold weather. I love the darker days. I love the longer nights snuggling under blankets and nesting in. This time of the year calls me deeper into my physicality. There is a cold that settles deep within my bones and it doesn't matter if I turn on the heat or put on my clothes because this experience is not a physiological occurrence. This is not because of the change in weather and the fact that I have arthritis.  No, it is much deeper than that. I have come to recognize with its persistent regularity at Samhain’s tide, that this is a form of preparation. 

It awakens a knowledge meant for me to find my place of Being that moves into the underworld and calls to the ancestors. The veils thin and a more palpably present space of transition opens between the living and the dead and the realization that all that remains for sometime after the flesh, the muscle and organs all fall away, the remnants that proof of a physical existence are only the bones.

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Harvesting My Memories When Everything Was New!

I've been out of commission and very quiet on the writing front for a while now.  I had my second hip replacement surgery in February (the first having been in July of 2019) and a delay in return to work in March with COVID-19 shutdowns. The fear and loss of life has weighed heavily on me, as with everyone and the continued uncertainty of just about everything in the world as we know it looms large. These and some personal changes have given me pause to reflect on everything and the usual forward momentum that I feel has been slowed by the accompanying heaviness with this introspection and I will admit that motivation has been in short supply (something I rarely have had issue with).

It's funny how when faced with stretches of time that are unstructured your mind goes down these paths of exploration that normally go unnoticed in the busy-ness of routine. One of the things that came up for me was the chance to take a look at my spiritual practice and path and how the past 30+ years have molded my current work. I also realized that I have been missing the unmistakable feeling when everything is new, undiscovered and exciting. So, I decided to take a walk down memory lane and take the time to re-member those things that filled me with the power of newness as a tonic, if you will, of much needed joy and inspiration.......

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Inspired Reading: Seasons of Moon and Flame

Several years ago I wrote a post that was inspired by reading a book by Danielle Dulsky entitled, Woman Most Wild: Three Keys for Liberating the Witch Within. It came at a time when I needed a reminder of the power of the sacred feminine and acknowledgment of the wilder, less sweet nature of the feminine polarity. 

Now, in the midst of COVID-19 and the uncertainty and lack of power that many fear, another of Danielle's books has made its way to my door and into my life. This title-Seasons of Moon and Flame; the Wild Dreamer's Epic Journey of Becoming gave me pause to reassess much of what I have taken for granted as part of my nature and the pressures of moving at lightning speed. The back cover speaks to what lay inside the pages of this book....

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