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Pagan News Beagle: Fiery Tuesday, December 8
Feminists stand up for women's rights. Floods swamp India. And the issue of gun rights is tackled by a Pagan blogger. It's Fiery Tuesday, our weekly segment on societal and political news from around the globe. All this and more for the Pagan News Beagle!
You may have heard of microaggressions, where someone subtly makes you feel uncomfortable and puts their needs over yours without being overtly hostile. But what about micro-acquiescence? For many women, quietly accepting discomfort and hiding how you feel about it is an unfortunate reality, as this piece from Gretchen Kelly explains.
Most of the news about nuclear proliferation in recent years has focused on Iran and whether the United States, Europe, and Russia can negotiate a deal with the country that allows for peaceful use of nuclear power without the obtainment of nuclear weapons. However, North Korea long succeeded at acquiring its own nuclear weapons. NHK News covers what's happened since.
Earlier this week floods swept rural England. But as bad as England's floods have been, India's been facing an even more catastrophic set of floods. As this report from The Times of India details, the Indian military has even stepped in to help survivors.
The porn industry experienced shockwaves earlier when actress Stoya accused her ex-boyfriend and fellow performer James Deen of rape. Unfortunately, while many have extended their support to Stoya, others remain contemptuous of her and her work and even express skepticism that sex workers can be assaulted.
Is a tool just a tool and that's all it is? Not so, write Allison Leigh Lilly, an animist and Pagan blogger. For all the talk of "guns don't kill people, people kill people" she argues tools often have a nature and a purpose all of their own.
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