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Pagan News Beagle: Fiery Tuesday, July 14
Welcome back to Fiery Tuesday, our weekly dive into politics-related news on behalf of the Witches&Pagans community. This week we're going to talk about the place of Pagans within the political world. What can Pagans do to advance the cause of transgender acceptance? Why is sacred violence or violence against the sacred so much more provocative than regular violence? And are modern polytheists "anti-choice?" All these questions and more will be addressed this weak for the Pagan News Beagle.
What can Pagans teach the world about transgender acceptance? That's the question that Antonia Blumberg asks for The Huffington Post as she draws comparisons between how the Pagan community—itself a minority group—and the general public deal with transgender individuals and their struggle to be accepted.
Is a shooting that takes place at a church intrinsically work than a shooting that takes place at a mall? If so, why? Over at The Wild Hunt writer Heather Greene grapples with questions of violence and morality and what it is that makes violence involving the sacred so much more offensive to us than violence in virtually any other circumstance.
Is Disney World racist? According to Sikh postman Gurdit Singh the answer is yes; he's accused the world famous theme park of segregating him from regular customer routes because of his beard and turban, both articles of faith within the Sikh religion. Read more about his battle and Disney's response over at The Guardian.
Is transphobia anti-feminist? That's the argument being made by Pagan writer Sable Aradia at Patheos. In her article she discusses the long history of feminism within the Pagan community as well as its difficult in grappling with tranwomen, most notably among Z. Budapest's followers.
Lastly, another writer at Patheos, Molly Khan, discusses another thorny subject: is modern polytheism anti-individualistic or even "anti-choice?" Before you leap to either agree or disagree, take a look at her article, which examines her own devotion to Nerthus and how, in her mind, choosing a deity is an important part of devotional practice, whether or not all polytheists admit to it.
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