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Pagan News Beagle: Fiery Tuesday, November 17
The world mourns in the wake of the Paris attacks and tries to determine the best course forward. Past terrorist attacks are remembered and examined. And the refugee crisis in Europe continues unabated. It's Fiery Tuesday, our weekly look at political and societal news from around the world. All this and more for the Pagan News Beagle!
What should you call the extremist organization based out of northern Iraq and eastern Syria, which has claimed responsibility for the Paris attacks? Should you call it ISIS (the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria), as many in the media do? What about ISIL (the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant), as the U.S. government does? Or for that matter, what about Daesh?
Tensions have arisen between British Sikhs and London police after the two clashed in late October while Sikhs were protesting police brutality. The Times of India reports on the controversial showdown as well as Scotland Yard's apology for the police's actions.
Although certainly among the most deadly, the Paris attacks were not the only form of terrorism experienced in Europe recently. The Guardian covers the aftermath of the racially-motivated terrorist attacks by Anders Behring Breivik in Norway four years ago and Anton Lundin Pettersson in Sweden earlier this year and how their radicalization was ignored and overlooked by those in their communities.
Though some U.S. governors and European leaders have called for an end to amnesty for Syrian refugees, the truth is that the flood isn't likely to stop anytime soon. One Syrian-American, Basil Chaballout, writes about the struggles his family has endured in the wake of the devastating Syrian Civil War, offering a personal look at the crisis.
Just one day before the attacks on Paris, Beirut was bombed by the extremist organization Daesh, which also claimed responsibility for the Paris attacks. The attacks left 43 people were killed and many more injured, nearly all of them Shia Muslims. But whereas Paris has drawn international attention and mourning, Beirut has not.
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