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Pagan News Beagle: Watery Wednesday, April 27
More thoughts share on the connection between politics and religion in Paganism. Avens O'Brien speaks about being raised within Paganism. And Heathens take a look at the history of Vikings in the Americas. It's Watery Wednesday, our weekly segment on news about the Pagan community! All this and more for the Pagan News Beagle!
There's been a lot of controversy in recent weeks over whether Pagans should be political or not. But part of why it's a difficult to question to resolve is because both politics and religion are too complex to sort into clean and simple categories. Often, one's religion is a form of political identity... and vice versa.
Interested in adding a few prayers or spells to your collection? Consider these invocations shared at, written in both ancient Gaulish and modern English.
It's probably fair to say that most Pagans today are still converts, people who were raised in a different religious tradition and then found their way to Paganism later in life. But that's not true of everyone. Avens O'Brien offers an insight into the experience of one raised Pagan.
Identity is a complex thing. Most of the time, we talk about identity as though you can be only one thing: white, Pagan, female, heterosexual, etc. But identity is often actually multifaceted and that's okay (even good), as Asa West argues at Patheos.
For most people, Christopher Colombus remains the person that leaps to mind when asked to think of the first European to set foot in the Americas. But he wasn't. As more and more people now realize, the Norse got to the Americas first (and before them, the indigenous peoples of the continents). Hüginn's Heathen Hof presents a look at the history of the Norse in the New World.
Top image by Roberto Fortuna og Kira Ursem
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