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Pagan News Beagle: Watery Wednesday, January 6
How strong is the connection between the growth of Paganism and counter-culture challenges to the status quo? What's the specific appeal of Norse mythology? And what it the current status of indigenous peoples in the state of California? We tackle these questions and more this week in Watery Wednesday, our regular segment on news about the Pagan community. All this and more for the Pagan News Beagle!
As more and more young people turn away from traditional American culture, many are eschewing organized religion altogether. But while this is the most visible trend it's far from the only one. Inverse takes a look at the growth of Paganism on campuses across America.
For the last half century, Norse/Germanic mythology has largely supplanted Greco-Roman mythology as the greatest wellspring of popular culture and fantasy. Why is that? You can read The Norse Mythology Blog's inquiry into the question here.
America's own indigenous non-Europeans and non-Christian groups sadly continue to suffer persecution as an article from The Wild Hunt makes clear. Read about the struggle of California's American Indian tribes / Native American tribes here.
Are good and evil natural? Or are they a human invention? At Patheos, Lupa Greenwolf argues that in nature there's no such thing as rewards or punishments, just "consequences."
On a related note, Gods & Radicals' Anthony Rella investigates the nature of victimhood and innocence. Is it possible for both the victim and the perpetrator of a crime to be right (and wrong)? And what do these questions have to do with the rise of fascism?
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