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Pagan News Beagle: Watery Wednesday, July 29
Welcome back to Watery Wednesday, our weekly take on community-centered news relevant to witches and Pagans! Join us as we review some of the positive outreach to the Ásatrúarfélag in Iceland, Tess Dawson's take on the desecration of ruins taking place in the Middle East, and the surprisingly occult history of World War II. All this and more for the Pagan News Beagle!
Last week we discussed how the Ásatrúarfélag, a Heathen group looking to create the first official temple in Iceland for over a millennium, came under fire from some quarters for its open embrace of same-sex marriage, among other social issues. But not all the reactions have been negative; Iceland Magazine brings us an uplifting story of how, partially in response to the hate mail, Heathens and others from around the world have come together to express their support.
Because Pagans are a minority in Western society it's vitally necessary that we reach out to and work with people of other faiths, even if some of us feel uncomfortable with the prospect. And that's the good work that Holli Emore discusses in her article for Patheos, "Saving the World," which details her and other Pagans' quiet, dignified work alongside Christians, Muslims, and more to forge a truly welcoming interfaith community.
But not everyone is respectful of other religious beliefs. In a piece for, Tess Dawson presents her take on the shocking destruction of ancient ruins such as the Temple of Ba'al Shamem in Palmyra by groups like ISIL. In it, she reiterates are need not only to oppose such violent extremists but also to protect our own sacred spaces and communal gathering places.
Many know of the Battle of Britain, the climactic confrontation between the Royal Air Force and Luftwaffe that prevented (alongside naval engagements in the North Sea and Atlantic) the possibility of a German invasion of the British Isles during World War II. But was their a magical component to Britain's victory? You may be skeptical but Sable Aradia believes so and writes about how Dion Fortune rallied some of Britain's most notable magicians to oppose the German war effort.
Lastly, Heather Green of The Wild Hunt offers a moving tribute to the memory of Deborah Ann Light, who passed earlier this month. For those interested in commemorating Light's contributions to the wider witches and Pagans movement, the memorial is well-worth a read.
Top image by Abode of Chaos
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