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Pagan News Beagle: Watery Wednesday, May 20
Summer is coming! Several of today's articles we've gathered for the Pagan News Beagle discuss Pagan celebrations of that sunniest and warmest of seasons, both modern and ancient. All this and more in this week's Watery Wednesday!
Over at Patheos, Jason Mankey has helpfully gathered a list of several summer Pagan festivals and celebrations occurring this year. Ever been to PUF or heard of the Free Spirit Gathering? If you're interested in checking out the Pagan festival circuit click here to learn more.
On a quasi-related note, Cherry Hill Seminary recently did a post about an upcoming conference to be held in Columbia, South Carolina about climate change and how the world's faithful can take action. Follow the link if you're interested in taking part.
Meanwhile, the Norse Mythology Blog is holding an art contest to celebrate the coming Midsummer. If you believe you've got talented and feel up to drawing a scene from the Norse poem Sigrdrífumál check it out!
Over at IndieGoGo, Rhianne Sythove is looking to crowdfund a documentary about the history of Wicca in the Netherlands. European witches, this one's for you!
Last but not least, we recently talked about this ceremonial sweat lodge in Witches&Pagans #23 but that doesn't mean we aren't above sharing more info on it! Follow this link to The Guardian's website to check out photos of the Four Quarters Interfaith Sanctuary in Pennsylvania, "a safe and sacred ceremonial space for the modern practice of ancient religion."
Top image by Saturnian
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