PaganSquare is a community blog space where Pagans can discuss topics relevant to the life and spiritual practice of all Pagans.

The ogham Eadha refers to the still, quiet voice of the wind through the trees. I have heard this voice all of my life, even before I had a name for this thing called "neo-paganism". It was a voice, yes; it was sound, yes, but it was something more than just sound, it was sound with context.
At times, the wind just evoked a feeling in me: melancholy, longing, perhaps thoughts of someplace far away. At other times, the wind seemed to herald news or some kind of information coming from another place. Yet still other times, and the wind seemed to blow right through me, leaving me clean, hollow, and empty. I guess it would be easy to say I love the wind.
Greetings! Since my last post, I have been installed as Archdruid at ADF and it has been a busy six weeks. There has been a lot of discussion about what ADF is and what ADF isn't, so I thought I would go back to basics and discuss, over a series of posts, the Vision of our Founder (or Flounder depending upon your point of view) Isaac Bonewits.
I think it is safe to say that Isaac was a visionary, and his thoughts on Neo-paganism are as valid today as they were when they were first uttered three decades ago. I adhere to Isaac's vision and I think it is the organizational foundation for what ADF is today and will be going into the future.
“Hail to you, Manannan mac Lir, God of the Sea, and Master of Liminal Spaces”
For the fourth year, I was privileged to attend Hearthstone Grove’s Texas Imbolc Festival, located at a UU facility between San Antonio and Austin, Texas. This three day gathering is the first festival of the season and it is a great way to get in the swing of Pagan Prides, Retreats, annual Meetings, and Festivals.