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Posted by on in Culture Blogs
Autumn Equinox Afterglow


Hopefully, you’re still basking in the glow of the glorious Harvest Full Moon on Tuesday! Now with the Autumnal Equinox to enjoy, you can truly slow down and count your blessings. My dear friend and frequent “Women Who Howl at the Moon” guest (she was our very first, as a matter of fact), has a lovely magical suggested exercise in her Witches’ Wisdom Tarot deck, corresponding with the “Offering” card. For a week, she suggests just that, counting your blessings: Per Phyllis’ magical counsel, “Each day for a week, write down one thing for which you’re grateful. For each gift you’ve received, choose a way to give back with gratitude.” Try it–I did, and it is truly a revelation how much we have to be grateful for, even with the seemingly smallest of things. You can listen more to Phyllis and hear many other fascinating and engaging guests you may have missed on our show on Podbean, or wherever you listen to your podcasts, (now including Apple and Spotify).

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Posted by on in Culture Blogs

At this moment, many of us are being called upon to face our darkest fears. Pandemic nightmares and a lingering threat of impending doom surrounding our very democracy have become the new norm. The furious wildfires of climate change rip through our forests and leave lingering dark smudges carried on clouds which reach far across the nation. People are being attacked for wearing masks to protect others and/or exercise their right to peacefully protest. Instead of being able to come together and find common ground for a common good, we are being driven farther apart by the people elected to publicly serve and protect us.

The Fall Equinox has always been about finding a true balance. Never has this been a more pertinent allegory than right now. We need to work harder together to tame the pandemic. We need to take care of our planet and nurse our Mother Earth back to better health. We can no longer ignore that this is shared space– and if we want to coexist in any harmony, we cannot go through life with blinders on. These are not debates, matters of opinion, or imagined hoaxes. These are undeniable facts that we all need to face, whether some of want to or not. It has little or nothing to do with politics or sensationalized media. It has everything to do with the fate of our country, our world, and our civilization (emphasis on civility). The time for selfishness, greed, and giving in to our darkest impulses is over. The balance needs to be restored with compassion, generosity, and reaching toward a shared higher purpose. This also means taking a deep breath, no matter how weary we are of fighting the good fight. We must roll up our sleeves and meditate on making this balance a reality, in all the millions of seemingly small ways that we still can. We can channel our magical power and energy to bring about this good, but we cannot give up hope. Here is a place to start, this Mabon:

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Posted by on in SageWoman Blogs
Fall Equinox

Perfect balance returns, light and dark in harmony again for the final harvest. As we wheel in the last-lit days of seasonal symmetry, face the coming darkness together with gratitude for what we've learned about light. Autumn's grain is spring's seed; paradox surrounds us with ripening wisdom. If we lose hope, remember that Hope has two daughters to support our balancing acts: Anger and Courage. Instead of passive hope, embrace radical willingness. The good news is that an organism under attach creates blooming antibodies, devoted to restoring original health to the world's immune system. Activists are that devotion. 

The season of barrenness mists her breath on our window panes—a foreshadowing—yet we're full of our gathering visions. What holds you back? Every minus is a plus that just needs a stroke of vertical awareness. Awake, ask what you do want to harvest into your life? Find the courage to move forward into action. Science and love, the two most powerful poles of humanity have been fiercely separated. The truth is, we're all connected; the greatest disability is, we don't believe this. Believe it. Practice powerful participation in the great circus of life. Find balance on the wild trapeze. 

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Posted by on in SageWoman Blogs


Foxy Sunyata, Rainbow in the Void © Lindy Kehoe 2017 

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Posted by on in Culture Blogs
The Magic of Autumn Leaves

Just when the vibrant colors of spring and summer seem like a distant memory, the trees put on their autumn display. On cloudy and dull afternoons, bright leaves capture the light making trees seem to glow from within. This last hurrah before winter provides a special time for magic.

Common throughout most of the United States, red maples (A. rubrum spp.) are distinctive with their rich-colored leaves, but come autumn, other maples get into the act and put on some of the most dazzling displays. Depending on the variety, red maple leaves turn from deep muted colors to a range of brilliant reds and yellows. Throughout the year, leaves from the red maple can be used in love spells, but in autumn they really help fire-up relationships. Press four bright red leaves in a heavy book. When they are dry, place them under the corners of your mattress to add spark your sex life. For something a little subtler, attach a pressed leaf behind a picture of your beloved.

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  • Sandra Kynes
    Sandra Kynes says #
    Thank you, Tasha. It's a lovely poem.
  • Tasha Halpert
    Tasha Halpert says #
    Lovely information, and so timely, I love the fall colors. I will post a poem about this for you on my site, along with a picture.

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