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Pagan News Beagle: Earthy Thursday, April 27 2017

As polar ice melts new rivers are revealed in Antarctica. Astronomers find what they believe to be direct visual evidence of a black hole. And a new discovery in North America shakes up paleontologists' views of American prehistory. It's Earthy Thursday, our segment for science and Earth-related news! All this and more for the Pagan News Beagle!

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A Chirrup in C


Unimaginably long ago, unimaginably far away, two dark and massive beings drew near to one another and their dance of courtship began.

Faster and closer they danced, whirling around one another at speeds of millions of miles per second.

More than a billion years ago they merged, falling into one another with a force that shook all time-space, and shakes it still.

And now, more than a billion years since that mighty Great Rite, we hear the orgasm song of their mating.

A chirrup in the key of C.

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