Here at your magical power source, you can “sanctify your love.” Collect your tools as well as meaningful symbols and erotic iconography and prepare for the sacred rituals of love.
You’ll need:
...PaganSquare is a community blog space where Pagans can discuss topics relevant to the life and spiritual practice of all Pagans.
To prepare for new relationships and to deepen the expression of feeling and intensity of your lovemaking, you have to create a center from which to renew your erotic spirit: your altar. Here, you can concentrate your energy, clarify your intentions, and make wishes come true! If you already have an altar, incorporate some special elements to enhance your sex life. As always, the more you use your altar, the more powerful your spells will be.
Your altar can sit on a low table, a big box, or any flat surface you decorate and dedicate to magic. One friend of mine has her sexy shrine at the head of her bed. Another girlfriend has hers in a cozy closet complete with a nest-like bed for magical trysts.
...You can mend broken hearts and enchant any would-be love interest with lemon balm. This recipe takes the cake, either one of your own making or store-bought sponge cake. Try a lemon balm version of the above Sweetheart Shortbread and glaze it with the icing; it will be certain to turn anyone who tastes this into your devotee.
6 lemon balm leaves
...Cucumber has aphrodisiac qualities according to recent studies, thanks not just to the veggie’s shape but also its scent. This easy-to-grow delight provides several nutrients essential to maintaining sexual health, including manganese and vitamin C, and it is a tonic for vibrant skin. Here is a short and sweet recipe for a refreshingly cold soup to share with a love on a hot day.
3 large peeled cucumbers
...Food can set the mood all its own as a prelude to a night of love. Surprise the object of your affection with one of these treats: