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GENN'S NEW BOOK IS FINISHED ! CRYSTAL MANDALAS: Anatomy & Physiology of Quartz Crystals (Volumes 1 - 4) COLORING BOOKS !

Well, you might have noticed I have been a little quiet lately. I've been madly working on finishing my latest series of books. They are currently at the printer and will arrive next week! I wanted to get them finished for a workshop I will be teaching in Fayetteville (Arkansas) for the Ozark Research Institute's 28th Annual Dowsing & Alternative Health Convention on April 15th through 18th. (I will be writing a blog post about this in case some of you can attend!) I will also be in Hot Springs in May at the Crystal and Crystal Skull Festival  (also talking about the new books and doing crystal readings). Anyway, the books are AVAILABLE NOW for pre-order. (You can click here to open a new tab to the order page.)

I've been working on this series for a couple of years now, and of course, all my friends, when they saw the great hullaballoo about the "adult coloring books", were on me to "HURRY HURRY HURRY, Genn!! Get your book out!"  Well, while I agreed that "striking while the iron was hot" seemed the smart thing to do, first, I didn't want the books to be confused as "just another coloring book in a vast sea of coloring books" and second, (and more important) I wanted them to be exactly right. Also, while the series ARE books which you color, they are FAR MORE than just "coloring books". They are learning books. Relaxing books. A way to make learning the nuances of quartz crystal easy, fun, and memorable. There is something magical about opening the right-brain, or creative side, that helps to bring the logical, or linear, left-brain side into more clear focus. This is what I hope to achieve with this series of books.

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ARTEMIS or CANDLE Crystal - Speed Energy To Its Goal

Artemis or Candle CrystalThis week we're going to talk about Artemis or Candle crystals, which are long thin points with a 6 to 1 ratio (for example: 1 inch wide and 6 inches long, or 1/2 inch wide and 3 inches long, ETC). This is a potentially confusing topic, so I hope this post helps clarify rather than muddy the water.

photo credit NEATSTUFF.NET/AVALONCandle crystals should not be confused with Candle Quartz. Candle Quartz is a crystal which looks a lot like a Cathedral or Lightbrary crystal (see picture, right). Imagine a candle in the shape of a crystal, but with the wick at the base (turn the crystal upside down in your mind, the base at the top with a wick and the point at the bottom). The wax would drip down the sides, in subsequent layers, toward the tip (which is upside down), so when you turned the crystal back upright, it would look like a dripping candle and is called Candle Quartz. (As an aside, there are some really helpful diagrams of a lot of these different crystal types from a mineralogical standpoint (rather than metaphysical) on The Quartz Page, I would highly recommend bookmarking and visiting the site!)

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ENHYDRO CRYSTALS - Forbidden Knowledge, Excited Possibility, Magic!

This week we're going to revisit Enhydro crystals. I LOVE Enhydro crystals! There are many different thoughts about the properties of Enhydro quartz but they mostly boil down to knowledge, possibility and magic. We'll get to that later in the post. First, let's talk about what they are.

Enhydros are crystals with fluid inside them. The only way to know for CERTAIN if you have an Enhydro (if there is water or fluid present) is if there is something IN the fluid. This is most usually an air bubble, I suppose it could also be sediment of some kind, but most usually it is air.

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Posted by on in Culture Blogs

This week we're going to discuss Windows in crystals. A Window crystal is a crystal with an extra diamond-shaped facet. To determine if you have a window, you count the faces. Here is a description of how to do this from my book (Understanding the Crystal People: A Handbook for Lightworkers):

Start counting faces by putting your finger on the main face and count until you make your way back around to the face under your finger. If you count more than six faces in the termination, then you have a Window (or more than one Window depending on the number of faces over six). If, when you count your faces, there are only six, then none of them is a Window.

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SELF HEALED CRYSTALS - Healing with Persistence and Determination

This week we're going to talk about Self Healed crystals. Self-Healed crystals are crystals that have been broken from the matrix and started to re-seal their broken ends with new growth. How might this happen and what is the matrix? All crystals which aren't Double Terminated start out on a cluster (the porcupine looking masses of crystals). These clusters grow along veins. When the earth moves and shifts, individual points or sometimes clumps of points break off. The broken ends of these crystals (and also the space where they came off the cluster) will often continue to grow, or "self-heal".

A Self-Healed crystal looks like it has scales or triangular layers which vary from very teeny almost imperceptible scales to large triangular layers. Self healing can be present on the bottom, sides or even tip of a point or cluster. Self-Healed points also present as crystals that were broken in half but sort of “glued” back together with new growth. I intentionally made these pictures large because the detail in some Self Healed crystals can be hard to see. I apologize if it is taking time to download.

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RECORD KEEPER or RECORDER - Messages From the Past/Access Hidden Knowledge

Record Keepers (also called Recorders) are special surface features found on some crystals. They aren't super rare but they aren't common, either. I remember when I first started learning about crystals and sorting them for the website, the crystals I had found nearly ALL had Record Keepers on them. Dozens and Dozens. I thought, man, Record Keepers must be a very common thing! So if a crystal had Record Keepers and also any other configuration such as Barnacles or Rainbows (fairly common), I would sort it in the Barnacle or Rainbow box. I soon discovered that Record Keepers AREN'T that common and I had been gifted a very rare gift, indeed, to have found so many crystals covered in Record Keepers!!

First we'll start with what Record Keepers are. They are triangular shaped features found on the faces of some crystals. Because they are surface features, you have to know how to see them. I have covered this before, but I will repeat it here. To view the surface (to keep from looking inside of the crystal), you hold your crystal with the face you are looking at parallel to a light source so that you can use the glare that the light creates in order to see what is on the surface. Here's a picture of a couple of crystals with and without glare (there aren't Record Keepers on these faces):

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RAINBOWS - Hope and Optimism

Continuing on with our discussion of the different named configurations in quartz crystals, Rainbows in crystals is the topic this week.

Rainbows may be present inside a crystal due to fractures or on the internal wall of two connected crystals. Some of the fractures are what I call Mirror Fractures; they look like mirrors and sometimes are called Wall crystals. I did a whole blog post on Mirror Fractures and Fairy Frost (both of which are often accompanied by Rainbows). (Click this link to revisit the blog post on Mirror Fractures and Fairy Frost. ) Following is a paraphrased portion of that blog post, describing Mirror Fractures.

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