An old boyfriend of mine actually became pagan because of the Jehovah's Witnesses.
His mom never read any of the “literature” that they dropped off for her, but he did. It talked about paganism a lot.
Don't dye Easter eggs, they're pagan, it said. Don't have a Christmas tree, it's pagan. Don't celebrate Halloween, it's pagan.
“This pagan stuff sounds pretty good,” he thought.
The single most fascinating chapter in European Paganism is the one titled “The Christian Pagan.”
I han't read Dowden, but you have convinced me to do so. However, if i understand you, I find myself between the two of you. I th
If you mean Dowden, Gus, I think that that's very much his point: that there are more differences than similarities between the ol
We are called NeoPagans for a reason. This rather central distinction appears lost on the author.
Easter Eggs, Christmas trees, and Halloween, all the fun bits of the year I enjoyed growing up and someone frowns on them for bein