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Posted by on in Culture Blogs



In the dream, I am standing with a Chinese family before their household shrine.

Beautifully carved in wood, the shrine is elaborate, immense: it takes up an entire wall of the house.

The gates of the central niche are opened. Behind them stands a finely-rendered wooden statue of Kwan Yin.

Kwan Yin is removed. Behind her stand yet another pair of gates. They open, revealing several painted panels depicting colorful female figures that I cannot identify.

“Pagan goddesses!” cries a woman's voice, as if horrified that such figures should stand behind the boddhisattva.

Now the painted goddesses, too, are removed. Behind them stand yet another pair of gates. These, in turn, open.

An outdoor light shines through. The niche has become a doorway.

Through the open doorway, a long landscape spreads out before our eyes: mountains, valleys, rivers, in unending vista, stretching out to a blue and misty horizon.

Behind Kwan Yin, the goddesses. Behind the goddesses, the Land.

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  • Steven Posch
    Steven Posch says #
    "The weeds will inherit the Earth."
  • Anthony Gresham
    Anthony Gresham says #
    "Behind Kwan Yin, the goddesses. Behind the goddesses, the Land." I like that. I look out my window and see my garden. The weeds

It's been a hard spring for many of us, including this Priestess. We've been doing a lot of emotional housecleaning, facing fears, putting to rest old selves, and navigating a world that seems to be determined to show us its cruelest face. It can be hard to find even a moment of peace, of gentleness, of compassion. That's why I'm delighted that Kuan Yin, She Who Hears the Cries of the World, has decided to visit us this week. 

Kuan Yin reminds us that if our compassion does not include ourselves, it is incomplete. She also reminds us to release judgement. This does not mean that we cannot be discerning, or that we cannot decide to remove ourselves from situations that are toxic or harmful. Rather, she reminds us that we can use our discernment and compassion to transform ourselves and others. b2ap3_thumbnail_IMG_0373.JPG

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Posted by on in Culture Blogs

In our fast paced society, stress and distress can occur over seemingly small occurrences, in addition to the large stressful life events like death, divorce or accidents.  Seeking solace to relieve any or all stress is a common practice.  Comfort can be found within the family unit, rocking a child or in the arms of a lover.  Stress can be relieved by escaping into a good book, movie or taking a long quiet bubble bath.  Exercise, good food, time alone or with good friends can offer comfort and a release from stress and chaos.  Solace, to find comfort, is one of the most common reason people to turn to religion.  During difficult times most people, even those who are not religious, turn towards the divine to receive some type of comfort and release. Pagans, Witches, and Wiccans often find this solace by turning to one of a multitude of Gods or Goddesses and to nature.

Paganism offers a multitude of divine beings to aid in this process. From the compassion of Kwan Yin to the vengeance of Kali, most of the pantheons have a representative of home, compassion, and the underworld, all of whom can provide solace or comfort at any time.  The crones and sages of paganism remind us that each phase leads to the next.  As a popular crone goddess Hecate will drag you kicking and screaming to the next phase.  She can be the “tough love” goddess who reminds that first you let go and then you begin the new or next phase.  

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Align with the Goddess Quan Yin to Bring Courage and Serenity to the Heart

The following is a compilation of excerpts from my forthcoming book, Holistic Energy Magic: Charms and Techniques for Creating a Harmonious Life

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