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Posted by on in Culture Blogs

Having escaped any significant damage from Hurricane Arthur rolling through the area, I think it's a great time to talk a little about "storm magick" for lack of a better term. There's two different ways to incorporate the storm concept, using an actual storm, or mimicking/calling/drawing up similar energy of one. Either way, remember that this is mother Earth and father Sky coming together.

Storm magick is excellent for bringing about strong changes in your life, but as with storms, there are plenty of chances for things to get out of hand if not prepared, and even that's not a guarantee from harm or chaotic tangents!

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Posted by on in Studies Blogs

Four years ago, when I first started my Pagan Music Project, I got asked "What's the difference between Witchcraft and Paganism?"  That was difficult for me to answer. I struggled with it for a while, and then forgot about it.  Now, I think I've got it.

Witchcraft is about energies and powers that be.  Witchcraft spells and Witch magick are about working with the energetic machine that the world and universe are part of.  It's almost more of a job than it is a religion. Witches around the world are people that "do." Whether good or bad, Witches "do" things.

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  • Amarfa
    Amarfa says #
    @lizann: Even though I myself find it hard to believe in Christian religion and tradition, I am so glad you've found a balance.
  • Amarfa
    Amarfa says #
    Thank you. It was a random 3am type of writing. Sometimes, those are the best!
  • Lizann Bassham
    Lizann Bassham says #
    Lovely and nuanced wisdom, thank you for sparking my continued processing of those concepts as a witch whose deities tend to be in
  • Terence P Ward
    Terence P Ward says #
    I very much appreciate how you've presented this viewpoint as your own insight, rather than as an established fact. That makes it
  • Ted Czukor
    Ted Czukor says #
    Nice insight, Candi. I like how you've teased out the differences between the two.

Posted by on in Culture Blogs

b2ap3_thumbnail_globe-with-internet.jpg“…in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.” Max Ehrmann

There is a New Moon in Gemini on May 28th, and Mercury — planet of the mind, of information, technology, journalism, teaching, curiosity, and ruler of Gemini — owns this chart. He stands right on the Midheaven of the chart cast for Washington, DC., strong in his own sign of Gemini, ruling, not only the Sun and Moon, but the Midheaven and Ascendant as well. (Get the chart here)

Things are never boring when Mercury is powerfully placed in a chart, and it looks like the month ahead will be marked by an almost obsessive focus on the need for information, questions about the appropriate use of both information and technology, and developments in the ongoing conversation between science and religion. We’ll see ideas and opinions flitting about as thick as fireflies on a summer night — and many of them will be as ephemeral. Escapism, particularly into drugs, fantasy and religion, will be rife, as will deception, fast-talking, and sermonizing. Mercury is also the planet of commerce, so we can expect considerations of business, and the ease of doing business, to be prominent. There may be legal challenges or decisions that have a strong impact on the conduct of business. The conduct of foreign policy is also emphasized. The Cardinal Cross is still in orb, and the presence of Pluto in the 4th house of this chart suggests major environmental issues, particularly involving any underground aspect, especially nuclear waste storage.

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  • Ted Czukor
    Ted Czukor says #
    Thanks for the birthday wishes, Diotima! You're right about my wanting to know every little thing about a person. When I was teach
  • Diotima
    Diotima says #
    Oh, and Happy Birthday!
  • Diotima
    Diotima says #
    Ted, Gemini tends to break down information into the smallest possible bits, because it's easier to organize and keep track of tha
  • Ted Czukor
    Ted Czukor says #
    Thank you for this. I am a Gemini (June 2nd). I appreciate your reminder about Meditation and quiet reflection. Could you please e

Posted by on in Culture Blogs
Magick for Travel

A life-changing journey started two days ago for me, and it involves driving over a thousand miles with everything I own (which only half-fills my car) to start my life over. I'll be stopping at several places along the way, turning an emotionally painful one-way trip, into an adventure of self-discovery. Well, doing the best I can, there's no denying the tears and pain.

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  • Michelle Simkins
    Michelle Simkins says #
    I hope your trip is not only safe, but a truly healing and comforting experience! I know what it's like to have your whole world c
  • Peter Beckley
    Peter Beckley says #
    Thank you, Michelle! So far, so good. I've made it to my geographical destination, and am working now on the healing, and recovery

Posted by on in Culture Blogs
The Best Way to Kill Magick

If there is one thing I've learned in the spring season of both this and last year is that for all I can do to grow spiritually and magickally while walking the Winding Path, is that there are some very effective ways to kill that magick, too. If you find yourself less effective than normal when it comes to magick, and you're wondering just what the heck is going on, perhaps you've let these get in the way.

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Seven or eight years ago, I shocked a large group of my Pagan friends.  I was at a small festival in Oklahoma that happened to take place during St. Patrick’s Day weekend.  I was vending and teaching at this festival (as well as performing my first song) and knew most of the attendees very well.  As we were cleaning the dining hall after dinner, I invited everyone down to my vendor table to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with a drink of Irish whiskey.  The look of horror on some of their faces was priceless.

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  • Greybeard
    Greybeard says #
    Wonderful. I'll remember it and use it perhaps next year.
  • James Taylor
    James Taylor says #
    I literally laughed out loud at this. Thanks Carl, great post.

Posted by on in Studies Blogs
The Risk of Invocation

Invoke (v.): To petition for support; to cite as authority; to conjure.

What does it mean to invoke?

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  • Shawn Bolvi-Singleton
    Shawn Bolvi-Singleton says #
    Something about which to think on a chilly Monday. Thank you for sharing this wisdom.

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