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Posted by on in Culture Blogs
Mundane Mysticism

People say that what we’re all seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think that’s what we’re really seeking. I think that what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonances with our own innermost being and reality, so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive.”

From The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell

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  • Sable Aradia
    Sable Aradia says #
    This is a thought-provoking article. I share your interest in Esoteric Mysticism and I believe the seeking of mystical experience

Posted by on in SageWoman Blogs

This Samhain season, I've been reflecting back to this past Candlemas and to the changes that season brought me. For sometime immediately around Imbolc is when I was first contacted by Freyja.


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  • Lana
    Lana says #
    What a beautiful, sacred encounter! Thank you for sharing your story. Kalyca.
  • Frank Barcenas
    Frank Barcenas says #
    I was born with a sixth sense and it wasn't until I was around 24-25 that I learned there was a Divine/Unconditional Love/ Source
  • Emily Mills
    Emily Mills says #
    Oh, I do have these two entries from my blog from 2012 though, if you are interested.
  • Kalyca Schultz
    Kalyca Schultz says #
    Interesting-- I haven't done art in a long time, except for photography, although I write and sing a lot. Perhaps that may come fo
  • Emily Mills
    Emily Mills says #
    Her youtube is awesome! Unfortunately, Mrs. B no longer blogs. It was up on Path


A mystic needn't be an academic to be a scholar. Why is this idea important? Some people create a magical, fulfilling life based in a non-academically-shaped worldview. We also might want to teach from such an orientation. Our cosmology can be as carefully constructed and extensively developed as any scientific understanding, but many would crush our power by insisting there is only one intelligent way to see, to learn, to study.

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  • Rick
    Rick says #
    The convergence of modern physics and mysticism over the past 30 tears makes for exciting times, and opens up so many possibilitie
  • Francesca De Grandis
    Francesca De Grandis says #
    Rick, yes, physics and metaphysics together rock! And thanks so much for yr supportive words!!
  • Rick
    Rick says #
    Francesa, do you ever find your visions contradicting science and if so, how do you handle the contradiction? I'm talking like a v
  • Francesca De Grandis
    Francesca De Grandis says #
    Rick, that is such an interesting comment, thank you! As to an answer: To the best of my memory and understanding, my visions hav
  • thomas byrnes
    thomas byrnes says #
    That is spot on . Every time in my life that I've allowed my intellect to over rule my inner voice desolation and ruin followed .

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